Shifting Views of America Assignment Options

  • Period: to


    Reflection of society on the 19th century. By many the nineteenth century was indeed consider the Gilded Era/Age due to by definition it means being covered with gold.
  • Uncle Sam's Thanksgiving Dinner

    Uncle Sam's Thanksgiving Dinner
    The creator of this image was Thomas Nast, the reason for this choice is to show the growth or coming together of society after the Civil War. Just as much as this image shows the coming together of the American society of this era, when reflecting on today society in some area of our nation we have forgotten what was sacrifice by all. Reference;
  • Mud Pie

    Mud Pie
    Ludwig Knaus's Mud Pies, the reasoning behind this painting choice is to show where we came from. You don't see children doing this anymore although times are evolving, it should not take away from the things that make us happy, as well as interacting with other rather than being buried in electronic like todays children’s. Reference;
  • The American Political Tradition

    The American Political Tradition
    Frederick Burr Opper, known as a cartoonist. As true as this form of art depicted our American society when it was drawn/created it is sadly still true today. The phrase that "a picture says a thousand words" can be applied here as just looking at it, one can form their own comparison as to the similarities of the political systems between then and now. Reference;
  • Biltmore Estate

    Biltmore Estate
    Biltmore Mansion built by George Washington Vanderbilt II between 1889 and 1895. By definition I can see the architectural designs that make this Mason a house what shows off the wealth of the gilded ages.
  • Snow in New York

    Snow in New York
    Snow in New York, by Robert Henri to shows a slower New York still growing into itself. I can appreate this painting but it does lack detail, the highlights for me is the not what right in front of you but whats in the back drop and in this painting and time I can see and imagine myself their seeing that foggy background. Reference;
  • Manhattan Bridge

    Manhattan Bridge
    The Manhattan Bridge under construction by Eric Rosner, the simplistic approach to this piece of art if what caught my eye. Although you don’t have all the hustle and bustle the of Wall Street or Madison Squair, the massive line work somewhat a little chaotic give the piece of art that busy look. This work also show the beginning stages and growth of NYC as it develops and changes. If I am correct one could consider this a architectural illustration of the time. Ref;