Shifting views of America

  • Period: to

    Feminine ideal and the rise of Aestheticism

    The culture of the beauty of women being painted representing formal perfection than over the male heroic figures to the beauty of female.
  • framing america

    John G. Rand made collapsible tubes for painting different portrait's of women with matching scenes and he was a freelance painter.
  • New York's dilema

    New York's dilema
    Bartolli sent the arm with the torch to New York that then people could not ask the question what it meant or what is liberty? Until finding the interpretation of unite with others for freedom. In the time Bartolli built a statue in France that is the twin of liberty in New York.
  • Haymarket monument

    Women stride for power but insist of Weinert fought for justice and liberty for the support of the traditional power for the women to have a revolution to over throw social order.
  • Statue of liberty

    The statue of liberty was created by a man name Bartolli made the first statue in France.
  • Liberty shipped to america

    Liberty shipped to america
    The statue of Liberty was take into pieces by 100 boats across the seas but nearly did not make it with out tipping over in the ocean. She was fully put together and standing in america as "Nations Monument"