Gilded age
The Gilded age was an interesting time Mark Twain called it this where it looked nice and shining on the outside but corrupted on the inside. This was a time where greed over ruled the people there was the rich and there was the poor no such thing as a middle class and labors worked 12 plus hours immigrants were the ones who took jobs like these in order to be here in this country. -
Child Labor
Cheap labor during the Gilded age as the thing to do children were just as good as an adult working 12 to 14 hours a day for as little as 0.27 cents a day this was because there were no labor laws in effect during this time. The rich gets richer with no laws or anything in effect they treated children less than because no laws were made to protect their rights. -
Railroad Strikes
During 1877 a recession led to wages getting cut, which sparked a up roar and railroad workers were left to strike. Wages were unfair in the beginning the was the first nation wide strike which ended in August 1877. -
By the early 19th century the art has changed quite a bit, the Gilded age was a harsh time. The rich were still radiant but the art of this time tends to capture a side of beauty. William Glackens, was an artist for various newspapers he created this Chez Mouquin in1905. -
John French Sloan
The Colors and detail from the "Hair dresser int he window" has a setting of the city life where the era of worries were just taken away by moment of a young lady sitting by the window, as people watch beauty unfold. -
Cliff Dwellers
This brings us back to the Gilded age where we seen a spark of immigrants coming from all over waning a better life. It appears to be New York's lower east full of people on the streets trying to beat a hot summer day just hard working people living life to it's fullest how captivating George Bellows paints the wonderful city. -
8th Ave
John Solan captures The big Apple once again painting a detailed and yet vibrant picture. Beautiful women fill the streets ready for a night on the town. these paintings are history these times are priceless for Solan to stop time and let us see the early 19th century is a the greatest accomplishment ever.