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Shiane Dabney : Charles Darwin
In between the times of February 02, 1809 through April 10, 1882 Charles Darwin became a well known scientist with his discovery that changed history for mankind. Charles Darwin was born 02/12/1809 and died 04/10/1882 -
Start of History
Charles Darwin was asked to take part of the voyage on the Beagle for a two year trip. He was not in fact was not supposed to go in the beginning. A man named Leonard Jenyns was pronounced as " a proper person to go out as a naturalist with this expedition". Charles Darwin went on this voyage because Jenyns did not want to go. This voyage lasted about 5 years. Charles Darwin spent most of that time on land investigating geology and making natural collections. -
On September 15, 1835 the Beagle arrived in the Galapagos island. Charles Darwin began to start collecting specimens and keep notes on what he finds. Charles Darwin explored the island for 36 days. While on this trip Capt. FitzRoy made charts of the shore line, harbors and navigational dangers. While exploring he noticed the mockingbirds looked different from the ones he noted from different islands. -
The Society of London
On this day Charles Darwin read his first paper to the geological society of London. He also presented his mammal and bird specimens. Turns out the birds he documented in his notes all turned out to be finches. -
Origin of Species
The Origin of Species is a 502 page book made my Charles Darwin on 11/24/1859 published in England. It is now considered to be known as the foundation of evolutionary biology. Darwin's theory of the mechanism of evolution begins with the variation that exists among organisms within a species. In the book it states that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. -
The end
Charles Darwin suffered from a heart attack on Christmas, and on going seizures, he later died on April 10th, 1882. https://youtu.be/9VFxefR23EY