Definition-an ideal community or perfect society
Sentence-The city was filled with crime and crumbling buildings, nothing like a utopia.
Antonyms- Imperfect society, flawed society, society with problems, troubled community -
Definition-The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in with them
Sentence-In order to be a member of the clique, all the people had to conform by wearing the same clothes, shoes and hairstyle; it was a rule.
Antonyms- Unique, Independent, Individual, Different -
Definition-to discipline or to punish
Sentence- The parents had to chastise her because she had broken the expensive vase.
Antonyms- Reward, Praise, Complimenting the person, give them an award -
Definition- a memory of an event
Sentence- The orphan had a recollection of the time he went to the park with his parents, before they died.
Antonym- Eluded thought, Unable to remember, Forgotten -
Definition- uneasy or fearful about something that might happen
Sentence- She felt apprehensive because the teacher was passing back the exam that she hadn't studied for.
Antonyms: Confident, Calm, Certain, -
Definition: huge in size or extent; immense
Sentence: The pacific ocean is a vast body of water.
Antonyms: Small, Miniscule, Tiny, Mini