Sheppard Case

  • Period: to

    First month

  • Marilyn Reese Sheppard is murdered

    Marilyn Reese Sheppard is murdered
    Marilyn Reese Sheppard murdered by severe beating in her bed. She was four months pregnant
  • Funeral of Marilyn Sheppard

    Son, Sam R., does not attend because of extensive press coverage.Prosecutor criticizes Dr. Sheppard for refusing to permit immediate questioning, although he has already been questioned on several occasions.
  • Sheppard leads officers through house

    Sheppard leads a contingent of officers through the house, showing them what occurred.Window washing company employee Vern Lund leaves town
  • Sheppard gives formal statement

    Sheppard voluntarily gives a formal statement, taken at the Cuyahoga County Sherrif's Office, with several officers in attendance
  • Dr. Sheppard searched in full view

    Sheppard searched in full view of crowd; Dr. Sheppard's lawyer is not permitted to participate and is ejected altogether when he tries to introduce evidence.
  • Cleveland police take over

    Cleveland police formally takes over the investigation of the murder from Bay Village police and, for the first time, sends out its scientific investigation unit
  • Sheppard arrested

    Dr. Sheppard arrested and taken to suburban city hall, where hundreds of newscasters, photographers, and reporters await his arrival.
  • Bail

    Judge finds no evidence and releases Dr. Sheppard on bail
  • Re arrest

    Dr. Sheppard indicted for murder. Dr. Sheppard is rearrested—his last day of freedom for nearly ten years.
  • First degree murder

    First degree murder
    Testimony ends. Prosecution seeks guilt on first-degree murder with the penalty of death in the electric chair
  • Cops find evidence Sam's innocent

  • Evidence found that Sam's mom is the killer