Reading a good book

Shari's Reading Journey

  • Mother's help

    Mother's help
    My letters were mainly taught to me by my Mother and her friends in a Joy School situation
  • Sesame Street!

    Sesame Street!
    Sesame Street was a wonderful tool in helping me remember the letters in the English Language! I remember my mom moving our huge satellite to help me get the correct channel :)
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
    I had a wonderful teacher that did a fabulous job of showing me how to put the letters together to form words.
  • Showing Off to My Siblings

    Showing Off to My Siblings
    Being the oldest, I had SUCH a fun time showing off my ability to read with my younger siblings. It was a short lived victory (since my sister just younger than me picked it all up very quickly), but it was a wonderful 6 months!
  • The Enjoyment of Reading

    The Enjoyment of Reading
    I really started to love and adore reading when I was introduced to the 'Baby Sitters Club' series and 'Nancy Drew' mysteries.
  • English Class

    English Class
    I had a very random and eccentric teacher in high school that was very passionate about the classics found in America. He changed voices with the different characters and I remember a TON of enthusiasm! It was always a wild and exciting class that opened my eyes to classic literature.
  • Book Constantly in Hand

    Book Constantly in Hand
    I was such a reading nerd... I honestly couldn't stop reading during my High School years. I found such calm with no drama in the books and would read quite often when we traveled between volleyball/basketball/softball games.
  • College - Shakespeare and theater

    College - Shakespeare and theater
    I was finally introduced to Shakespeare and the plays from his era. LOVED the help in understanding these classics and the lessons we find in them
  • Teaching

    While I was teaching for 5 years in a Brick and Mortar school, I found the greatest joy when a student/class started becoming addicted to an author we discussed or read during class. I loved the author and found great joy in introducing these 3rd graders to the same wonder.
  • Reading with my own Children

    Reading with my own Children
    I started reading with them at the young age of 6 weeks old (after the twins were out of the NICU). My husband asked why I started reading to them at such a young age and I answered 'Well, when DO you start?' They have such a passion for looking at and reading books, that it helps me still carve out the time to get lost in a book as well.