• The Spirit Way, by Gayle High Pine

    The Spirit Way, by Gayle High Pine
    Gayle High Pine writes her book, "The Spirit Way," discussing shamanism and the controversy between it and Western medicine
  • Shamanism, by Piers Vitebsky

    Shamanism, by Piers Vitebsky
    Piers Vitebsky publishes an information secondary source book about the essentials of Shamanism in the indigenous world, and in Western medicinal practices
  • The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman

    The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman
    Anne Fadiman writes her novel depicting Lia Lee, a Hmong girl with epilepsy, and follows her story of Western medicine and shamanic treatments
  • Shamanism, Psychosis and Autonomous Imagination

    Shamanism, Psychosis and Autonomous Imagination
    Michele Stephen and Luh Ketut Suryani publish a scholarly article about to what extent shamans have mental disorders
  • Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies

    Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies
    Geoffrey Samuel and Linda Connor write a collection of essays featuring individuals' experiences with shamanism
  • Female Shamanism, Goddess Cultures, and Psychedelics, by Karen Vogel

    Female Shamanism, Goddess Cultures, and Psychedelics, by Karen Vogel
    Karen Vogel publishes article about female shamanism and goddesses, and where these legends and controversies come from.
  • Chronic Confusion and Memory Impairment in Hmong Elders: Honoring Differing Cultural Beliefs in America

    Chronic Confusion and Memory Impairment in Hmong Elders: Honoring Differing Cultural Beliefs in America
    Linda Gerdner writes an article about the Hmong immigrants in the United States and a history of dementia and illness
  • Commentary: The (H)Mong Shamans' Power of Healing Sharing the Esoteric Knowledge of a Great Mong Shaman

    Commentary: The (H)Mong Shamans' Power of Healing Sharing the Esoteric Knowledge of a Great Mong Shaman
    Jacques Lemoine goes into the Hmong tribal healing circles and learns about modern shamanism
  • Long-term Outcomes of Shamanic Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

    Long-term Outcomes of Shamanic Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
    Nancy Vuckovic publishes article about treating women with shamanic medicine to see if there's a difference between shamanism and Western medicine
  • When Shamanism Meets Western Medicine

    When Shamanism Meets Western Medicine
    Lissa Rankin writes about her experiences as a healer incorporating both Western and shamanic techniques to help her patients
  • Reflections of a Journey Within

    Reflections of a Journey Within
    Claudia DeBorde writes for the Dance of the Deer Foundation about her experiences with Shamanism
  • Scientists put Shamanic Medicine Under the Microscope

    Scientists put Shamanic Medicine Under the Microscope
    Carolyn Gregoire examines the changing attitudes towards shamanism in Western medicine