The Spirit Way, by Gayle High Pine
Gayle High Pine writes her book, "The Spirit Way," discussing shamanism and the controversy between it and Western medicine -
Shamanism, by Piers Vitebsky
Piers Vitebsky publishes an information secondary source book about the essentials of Shamanism in the indigenous world, and in Western medicinal practices -
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman
Anne Fadiman writes her novel depicting Lia Lee, a Hmong girl with epilepsy, and follows her story of Western medicine and shamanic treatments -
Shamanism, Psychosis and Autonomous Imagination
Michele Stephen and Luh Ketut Suryani publish a scholarly article about to what extent shamans have mental disorders -
Healing Powers and Modernity: Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies
Geoffrey Samuel and Linda Connor write a collection of essays featuring individuals' experiences with shamanism -
Female Shamanism, Goddess Cultures, and Psychedelics, by Karen Vogel
Karen Vogel publishes article about female shamanism and goddesses, and where these legends and controversies come from. -
Chronic Confusion and Memory Impairment in Hmong Elders: Honoring Differing Cultural Beliefs in America
Linda Gerdner writes an article about the Hmong immigrants in the United States and a history of dementia and illness -
Commentary: The (H)Mong Shamans' Power of Healing Sharing the Esoteric Knowledge of a Great Mong Shaman
Jacques Lemoine goes into the Hmong tribal healing circles and learns about modern shamanism -
Long-term Outcomes of Shamanic Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Nancy Vuckovic publishes article about treating women with shamanic medicine to see if there's a difference between shamanism and Western medicine -
When Shamanism Meets Western Medicine
Lissa Rankin writes about her experiences as a healer incorporating both Western and shamanic techniques to help her patients -
Reflections of a Journey Within
Claudia DeBorde writes for the Dance of the Deer Foundation about her experiences with Shamanism -
Scientists put Shamanic Medicine Under the Microscope
Carolyn Gregoire examines the changing attitudes towards shamanism in Western medicine