Seven Year War

  • Surprise Attack on Fort Duquesne

    Surprise Attack on Fort Duquesne
    Major George Washington led an expedition toward Fort Duquesne to force the French to abandon the site.
  • French Respond with larger attack

    French Respond with larger attack
    After Fort Duquesne was attacked, the French hit Britan with a larger force
  • Albany Plan of union

    Albany Plan of union
    Benjamin Franklin came up with a plan (which was rejected) to make one government for the 13 colonies to work out threats that impacted all of the colonies such as conflicts with Native Americans
  • General Edward Braddock Arrives

    General Edward Braddock Arrives
    Braddock and an army of 1,400 English soldiers and colonial militiamen, including George Washington, marched to the Ohio Country with a goal to drive the French from Fort Duquesne
  • The French and British Declare War

    The French and British Declare War
    France and Great Britain Declare War
  • The War is in Favor of Britain

    The War is in Favor of Britain
    Ferdinand of Brunswick, with his Anglo-Hanoverians, launched a successful offensive against the French in Westphalia, and on March 27 he crossed the Rhine River at Emmerich, near the Dutch frontier. On June 23, with 40,000 men, he defeated 70,000 men under Louis de Bourbon, comte de Clermont, at Krefeld.
  • British Take more Control

    British Take more Control
    Fort Frontenac, Fort Ticonderoga, and Crown Point are all under British control
  • Canada is under Britain Control

    Canada is under Britain Control
    Quebec becomes a British colony in what is present day Canada. This however cost many lives
  • Peace Negotiations Start

    Peace Negotiations Start
    War is expensive and that's King George III's biggest concern so he opens peace negotiations with France
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was signed on February 10, 1763, officially bringing an end to the French and Indian War. The British were awarded Canada, Louisiana and Florida, which removed other European rivals and opening up North America for Westward expansion.