Seven Year's War

  • Battle of Jumonville Glen

    Battle of Jumonville Glen
    George Washington and Tanacharison led 300 Virginians and the Seneca tribe to Fort Duquesne to ambush them and force them to abandon the location. First battle of 7 years war.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    A rejected plan to create a unified government within the colonies. Originally created by Benjamin Franklin, then adopted by Albany Congress. Included representatives from the Iroquois Confederacy to solidify the friendship with the Iroquois.
  • Battle at Fort Necessity

    Battle at Fort Necessity
    The first battle of the war. Governor of Virginia sent George Washington and his army to remove French from their forts in Western Pennsylvania. This battle was a defeat for the British, as Washington was forced to surrender after losing 1/3 of his men.
  • Braddock's Defeat / Battle of Monongahela

    Braddock's Defeat / Battle of Monongahela
    The British continued to attempt to halt French expansion from 1755-1758. The first mission was lead by General Braddock with George Washington. When they were just 10 miles away, an army of Frenchman, Canadians, and Native Americans attacked the British army, and massacred 977 of them, including Braddock.
  • Expulsion of the Acadians

    Expulsion of the Acadians
    Acadians refused to sign an oath of allegiance to Britain. The British Lieutenant Governor Charles Lawrence deported Acadians to the 13 Colonies, and after 1758 transported additional Acadians to France. Approximately 11,500 were deported, of which 5,000 died of disease.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was the most notable leader of the British Army. Washingotn was appointed colonel and commander of Virginia militia forces in 1756, following service with Braddock. George Washington made many mistakes during the 7 Years War, which he learned from and applied to the Revolution.
  • Neolin

    Neolin, a spiritual leader of the Lenape, urged other Native Americans to end their reliance on British and French manufactured goods like muskets and alcohol, and return to traditional customs. This inspired Pontiac and Pontiac's War.
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham / Battle of Quebec

    Battle of the Plains of Abraham / Battle of Quebec
    Fought on a plateau just outside of the walls of Quebec. British invasion force led by James Wolfe defeated French troops, leading to the surrender of Quebec to the British.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    A Treaty was signed to end the 7 Years War. Britain got Canada from France and Florida from Spain. Britain got all French land east of the Mississippi River, but not New Orleans. France got Guadalupe and Martinique, Caribbean sugar islands that were valuable for trade. Spain got Cuba and the Philippines.
  • Pontiac's War

    Pontiac's War
    Launched by a confederation of Native American's dissatisfied with British rule in the Great Lakes region. Included the Algonquian, Iroqioian, and Muskogean tribes. They ended up signing a treaty to end the war.