Seven Steps to Limited Monarcy in England

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Barons challenging the absolute power of the monarchy made King John sign Magna Carta limiting his power. This is a very early example of the challenges absolute monarchs faced.
  • Reign of Charles I

    His avoidance of Parliament, overtaxation and abuse of power led to an overall distrust and dissatisfaction with absolute ruling.
  • Militia Ordanance

    Militia Ordanance
    Gave Parliament the power to create their own army, which gave parliament more power and led to the civil war
  • English Republic

    English Republic
    For 11 years England had no monarchy at all. Oliver Cromwell led the country in place of a king.
  • The Test Act

    The Test Act
    Parliament asserted their power over Charles II by forcing him to pass the Test Act, which went against his own Declaration of Indulgences.
  • Coronation of William III and Mary II

    Coronation of William III and Mary II
    William and Mary ended up the first monarchs without absolute power when the signed the bill of rights
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights stated the powers of Parliament. It also set up some basic rights for the people.