Seven Steps to Limited Monarchy in Britain

  • Short Parliament Disbanded by Charles I

    Short Parliament Disbanded by Charles I
    This is significant in the development of Limited Monarchy in England because parliament refused to grant the King funding to put down a Scottish rebellion. Symbolizing the increasing power of parliament and the increasing tensions between parliament and King.
  • English Civil War Begins

    English Civil War Begins
    Charles I invaded Parliament trying to arrest parliamentary leader. This is significant in the development of Limited Monarchy in England because it shows that Parliament had become a threat to the Monarch. They had enough power to be a threat to the King.
  • End of the English Civil War, King Charles I executed.

    End of the English Civil War, King Charles I executed.
    On this date, Charles I was executed as a criminal by parliamentary forces, marking a temporary end to monarchy in England. This is a significant event in the development of limited monarchy in England because from this point on, English monarchs were obligated to recognize that there power was vulnerable, and thatthey were not as strong as a united populace.
  • Charles II restored to English Throne

    Charles II restored to English Throne
    After the death of Oliver Cromwell in 1658, parliament was quick to return to a monarchial system of government. This important to the devolepment of limited monarchy in England because it demonstrated the failure of republicanism in England, showing the needer for some kind of royal presence.
  • James II bears a Catholic Son

    James II bears a Catholic Son
    On this date, James II of England bore a son by his Catholic wife. This lead to the possibility of a Catholic dynasty in England. This lead to limited monarchy in England because it caused the English to get rid of James II in the Glorious revolution. Which in turn lead to democratic reforms.
  • The Glorious Revolution Begins

    The Glorious Revolution Begins
    On this date, the Glorious revolution to overthrow Catholic James II began. William of Orange and his wife Mary were invited to take the English throne. This is important in the development of limited monarchy in England because Parliament acted almost as kingmaker, asserting their power over the crown.
  • English Bill of Rights Ratified

    English Bill of Rights Ratified
    On this date, the English bill of rights was ratified. This document approved by King William and Queen Mary of England gauranteed many political rights for parliament and the English people, such as, no taxation by Royal Perogative, Freedom of Speech, no cruel and unusual punishment. This was the final step in creating a limited English monarchy because the English sovereign was legally forced and obligated to give rights to the common people.