Seven Steps to a Limited Monarchy

  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    The Petition of Right was made as an objection to the rule ans ways of Charles I. When he was in power, many saw his overreach in authority was invasive of their own civil liberties. This particular document challenges the power of the monarchy. It also established that before the king could do something, it would have to go through Parliament first. As time progresses, Parliament gains more and more power over the existing monarchy.
  • Parliament vs. King Charles I

    Parliament vs. King Charles I
    Parliament and King Charles I did not get along well. Because of the way in which Charles ruled, it would lead to the creation of the Petition of Rights. In the beginning, it would start as Parliament simply challenging the ways of the monarchy.
  • Cromwell's Victory

    Cromwell's Victory
    After winning at the Battle of Naseby, Oliver Cromwell would be the reason for the rise of power for the Parliament. His military dictatorship allowed for the Parliament to get stronger and to serve for them entirely.
  • King Charles I is executed

    King Charles I is executed
    The execution of Charles I would leave the monarchy fragmented for a period of time. His death would abolish the monarchy for sometime and bring power directly to the Parliament. Parliament and Charles I had constant quarrels and differing views toward virtually everything
  • Restoration of Charles II

    Restoration of Charles II
    After the death of Charles I, Parliament appointed Charles II to the throne. There was a period of restoration under Charles II, but this was a restoration of the monarchy.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution involved the overthrow of James II. In the end, this would change the way in which England was governed, giving Parliament much more power over the monarchy. This would also open doors to the creation of a political democracy.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The creation of the Bill of Rights was a huge stepping stone to the limit of the monarchy. This particular document highlighted several constitutional and civil rights and ultimately gave parliament more power over the monarchy.