Seven Important Events Leading to Limited Monarchy in England

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta basically asserted that the monarch had to work within the confines of the law. Effectively, the first limit on a monarch's power.
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    This document said that taxes could not be levied without the consent of Parliament, no one shoulc be imprisoned unjustly, and troops should not be billeted at someone's home. This document made the monarchy look to Parliament more when it needed funding.
  • Charles calling in the long Parliament

    Charles calling in the long Parliament
    Charles had to call parliament to get funds to deal with the Scottish rebellion. What happened when Parliament reconvened was a series of laws limiting the power of the king.
  • Charles trying to arrest parliament

    Charles trying to arrest parliament
    Charles invaded Parliament, wanting to arrest some of his opponenets who then escaped. Charles then began to raise an army. In turn, Parliament started to raise an army, resulting in the next 4 years of civil war between the king and parliament. Basically the war was about who
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    Replacement of James II by William and Mary, beckoning in the constitutional monarchy. They established a Bill or Rights limiting the powers of the monarchy and giving liberties to nobles.
  • John Locke Second Treatise of Civil Government

    John Locke Second Treatise of Civil Government
    This was a very impactful work, saying that the government resided in the consent of the governed, an idea that would be welcomed by the Founding Fathers of the US. This work was speaking out against the absolutism thought that was all over Europe.
  • Robert Walpole

    Robert Walpole
    Robert Walpole was able to become, what many call, the first prime minister of Great Britain. He spread trade, promoting peace at home, eventually turning Great Britain into a world power.