
Seven Deadly Sins - Genesis of War

By Godhood
  • 271,821 BCE


    The time before creation. Before Chaos, before existence.
  • Period: 271,821 BCE to 270,001 BCE

    Time Immemorial

    Periods of time where nothing existed, nothing happened and nothing occurred.
  • 270,000 BCE

    Birth of Conceptions

    Birth of Conceptions
    The moment Chaos came into being, and as a result existence became a thing as they represented existence.
  • Period: 270,000 BCE to 250,001 BCE

    Era of Thought

    A period of time where Chaos did not create, but simply thought of it's own existence.
  • 250,000 BCE

    Creation of the Universe

    Creation of the Universe
    After an unknown period of time, Chaos finally decided to act with its sentience, and created the universe as we know it, planet to planet, star from star.
  • Period: 250,000 BCE to 125,001 BCE

    Era of Creation

    The time period where Chaos, and it's future children were in peace and helped make the universe we know.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Formation of the Trinity

    Formation of the Trinity
    The very first creations of chaos outside of the universe and realms/dimensions as we know it. A literal piece of chaos itself, split into three to represent the alignments as we know them-- Or so it's said. Good, Evil and Neutrality. The Celestial Lord, Demon Lord, and the Sacred Tree Yggdrasil.
  • 175,000 BCE

    The First Infraction

    Despite creating such beauties and realms with its children, peaceful times ended on a rough note with a disagreement between the Original Demon Lord and the Original Celestial Lord.
  • 150,000 BCE

    The Second Infraction

    From a peaceful argument to more rivalry, the two major deities began to argue as Chaos and Yggdrasil minded their own business and continued to decorate the universe and its realms as we know.
  • 125,000 BCE

    The Third Infraction

    From rivalry to dislike to outright hatred. What started off as these two deities being rather friendly-- To some interpretations, loving and romantic even, they've become sores in the eyes and ideals of each other.
  • Period: 125,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE

    Era of Destruction

    A period of time where the dislike and rivalry between two of the great 3 gods reached its peak and they began to fight amongst one another, attempting to one-up each other.
  • 100,000 BCE

    Race of Domination

    After budding heads multiple times, the very first 'physical' vessels of the Demon Lord and Celestial Lord were created, tuning them for their own purposes and to fight one another as each custom-fitted their puppets for their fight.
  • 57,239 BCE

    The Great Awakening of Sentience

    The Great Awakening of Sentience
    After warring against each other, the Demon Lord, Celestial Lord, and now even Yggdrasil, taking notes from the two, created their very own race that had sentience separate from their own. This was the Birth of the very first Celestials, Demons, and Fairies.
  • 50,000 BCE

    The Divine War

    After officially creating their kingdoms in realms they takeover as their own, the Demon Lord and Celestial Lord populated their races and declared official war against each other, with poor Fairies being caught in the occasional crossfire.
  • 10,000 BCE

    War on God

    After attempting to cease the deaths of more creations, Chaos interfered with the great celestial and demon war, but only to end up becoming the common enemy of both races and deities.
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 1 BCE

    Era of Parricide

    The period of time where the Celestial Lord and Demon Lord began to war against their creator for this so-called 'true freedom' to do as they wish.
  • 1 BCE

    Death of "Chaos"

    After warring with its own children for years, Chaos finally succumbed, dying at the hands of its two children and their own creations.
  • 1 CE

    The Big Bang

    After the death of chaos, a year passed before its "body" gave a final gift to its creation. Although not truly dead, Chaos made sure that if its betrayal against its own version of a 'vessel' was to happen, it would make sure to release the last bit of its blessings to the world. And so, each part of Chaos birthed a new species, a thousand members of each which would start the population of the world.
  • Period: 1 CE to

    Birth of a New Era

    The world after Chaos' death.
  • Period: to

    Era of Possibilities

    The current era of the rp, the structures of buildings are mainly medieval / fantasy-like.
  • The Beginning - Start of RP

    The start of the rp, it's time for the world to fully develop.
  • Period: to

    Time of the Long After

    Periods of time after the rp. It's the future of the rp.
  • The Distant Future

    A period of time long after the RP takes place. It's said society during this time is much like our own in the current modern day.
  • The Unimaginable Future

    A period of unknown time long after the RP takes place. It's said society during this time is futuristic.
  • The Heat Death of the Universe

    The Heat Death of the Universe
    A period of unknown time after the RP takes place. The world resets itself anew back into the cold, nonexistent void it once came from.