13 colonies pic

Settlement of the 13 English Colonies

  • Virginia Colony

    Virginia Colony
    The London Company set out to Virginia in hope of making a profit by sending furs and timber back to England, instead they planted tobacco which was a majpor cash crop. The settlers needed a lot of land to plant tobacco because the tobacco took the nutrients out of the soil causing the settlers to move into different territories which made England more powerful with all of the land that they were getting.
  • Massachusetts Colony

    Massachusetts Colony
    A group of religious people called the Separatists wanted to escape England to avoid being thrown in jail by the king, Another group were called "strangers" who were skilled craftsmen who wanted to start new in America. The Virginia Company funded the voyage and colony. The Mayflower pushed north by strong winds so they tried to go south but went back because of sand bars. So they finally settled in Cape Cod and wrote the Mayflower Compact which made God their leader and it would be a democracy.
  • New Hampshire Colony

    Two groups of English settlers settled in New Hampshire in 1623, and they created a fishing town near the Pisquata River, In 1638, John Wheelwright wrote the "Exeter Compact", which was a contract very similar to the Mayflower Compact. He was banished from Massachusetts because he was defending his sister-in-law, Anne Hutchinson.
  • Maryland Colony

    Maryland Colony
    Maryland was founded by the Calvert's. Sir George Calvert proposed the charter, but died before the charter was issued in 1632. His son, Cecil Calvert, got the charter and settled Maryland in 1634. The Calvert's founded the colony because they wanted religious freedom for Catholics.
  • Rhode Island Colony

    Rhode Island was established in 1636. Rhode Island was settled by Roger Williams, who had been kicked out of Massachusetts in 1635 for supporting religious and governmental freedom. Anne Hutchinson followed Williams in 1638 and set up a second settlement. The charter was issued in 1663.
  • Connecticut Colony

    Connecticut Colony
    Connecticut was founded by a Puritan named Thomas Hooker who left Massachusetts with his family and 100 others to develop a new settlement with more freedom. The establishment was named Hartford, and they joined New Haven in 1639, In 1662, they also recieved a charter from the King Charles II and they wrote their own constitution called the "Fundamental Orders", giving the colonists more rights.
  • North Carolina Colony

    This colony was settled in 1653. In 1691, the northern Carolina region was ercognized by the king as the northern part and was named "North Carolina". This colony started out as a Proprietary but received a charter in 1729 from King George II.
  • South Carolina Colony

    South Carolina was created by King Charles II in 1663, the same year that the charter was issued. In 1719, the colony became a royal colony meaning it was ruled by the Monarch.
  • New Jersey Colony

    The colony of New Jersey was originally settled in 1623 by the Dutch, but in 1664, the English took control. New Jersey was named a Propriety colony until 1702 where it was granted the royal charter.
  • Delaware Colony

    In 1664, England obtained Delaware after the English defeated the Dutch. The Dutch obtained Delaware again in 1673 but then the Englsih finally obtained Delaware in 1674. But in 1682, Delaware was awarded to William Penn but his control over it didn't last. Then Delaware became independant in 1701 and elected its own assembly in 1704.
  • New York Colony

    New York was originally called New Amsterdam, was settled in 1624 by the Dutch, but King Charles II wanted to gain more power, and decided to gain control of New York. The English officially obtained New York in 1664. The colony was renamed New York after James the Duke of York, who became the colony's proprietor.
  • Pennsylvania Colony

    Pennsylvania Colony
    This colony was first settled by William Penn in 1682, but the charter was wrote on March 4,1681. The Pennsylvania colony accepted people of all faiths and let them practice their religion freely which made the colony successful. More people in the colony would make more crops which is more to trade which gives the colony and king more money and goods.
  • Georgia Colony

    Georgia was origanally part of the Carolinas, but when King George II wanted to give more chances to the under class of the English, he granted the land of Georgia to an English general, named James Oglethorpe. The charter was granted to James Oglethorpe in 1732. Oglethorpe established this colony as a refuge for debtors in English prisons.