The Virginia colony wast settled in 1607 by the London Compony mainly as a colony to make money through timber and beaver fers. once tabacco was discovered, this colony forgot about what it was supposed to do and started to produce tabboco and import African slaves. -
The Pilgrims blow off course and land North of their destination in land that is not owned by the Virginia Compony. When the Pilgrims travled, they traveled with "strangers." Once they got to the new land, they had to set up a compact called the Mayflower Compact. In 1630, the Puritans landed and brought the first charter to the land. -
New Hampshire
in 1623, two English settlers established a fishing vilage near the mought of the Piscatqua river. In 1638, John Weeright established exetor after being kicked out of Massachusettes for defending ann Hudcheson. -
Sir George Calvert, an Englishman, wanted to start a colony for Catholics desiring religious freedom. the charter was given to Calerts son Cecil in 1632 who appointed hes brother leoard to be governer in the colony. They wfinally arried in 1634. -
Thomas Hooker, a Puritan clergyman, founded this colony. he left Massachusetts with his family and 100 other people because he disagreed with the laws and leaders in Massachuestts. His settlement of Hartford joined with 2 other settlements in 1639 to form Connecticut. The charter was issued in 1662. -
Virginia colonists settled North Carolina in 1653 and this settlement officially became a colony when it was recognized by the king in 1691.The colony was a Proprieter colony. But George II issued a charter in 1753 and it became a royal colony. -
South Carolina
IN 1663 King Charles II established Carolina by giving territory to loyal supporters. Virginas challenged the charter because they were annoyed that their terrirotry was inclueded in the charter. in 1670, Chareston was established by a group of 200 colonists from Englished barbados and led by sir John Yeamans. It was orginally a Proprieter colony but later became a Royal Colony. -
New York
The Dutch where the first to sette new york, but James the Duke of York wanted the colony. He sent them a letter for them to surrender and when they didnt the gun powder was wet, at which point the Dutch surrendered. New York was in the power of James in 1664. Then after years of ruling there was protesting by the people to create a general assembly. Finally the Duke gave in and the general assembly was created. they made laws and and had a charter that listed a number of rights the colonists. -
Soon after, in 1655, the colony was taken over by the Ditch, and held it for 9 years. the English took over in 1664 and gave it to William Penn in 1682. His control did not last and Delaware became a independant colony in 1701. It elected its own assembly in1704 and was a propieratary -
New Jersey
It was settled by the English in 1664. after obtaining holding lying vetween Virginia and New England, the Duke of York made a proprietary grant to Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley, of the land between the Hudson and the Delaware River. One of the Middle colonies, New Jersey started out as a proprietary colony but in 1702 it was granted a Royal Charter. In 1787, it was the thrid state to ratify the constitution. -
In 1618 William Penn established the Pennsylvania colony as a safe haven for Wuakers and also to offset a debt owned to William Penns father. Pennsylvania was a porpiety colony. or a colony ruled by one person, and was ruled by William Penn