
Settlement in New England (1607-1732)

  • Virginia

    The Virginia colony was established by John Smith and its original purpose was trade and profits.
  • Period: to

    The settlements

  • The arrival of the first Puritans in America

    The arrival of the first Puritans in America
    Most of the Puritans who emigrated settled in the New England area
  • Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts colony was established by John Winthrop its original purpose was to provide religious freedom for Puritans.
  • The Pilgrims arrive in America (Sepratists)

    The Pilgrims arrive in America (Sepratists)
    The Pilgrims, also known as the Pilgrim Fathers, were the English settlers who came to North America on the Mayflower and established the Plymouth Colony in what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts, named after the final departure port of Plymouth, Devon. They eventually moved inland permanently
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    The New Hampshire colony was established by John Mason and its original purpose was to provide an escape for those constricted by religious and economic rules.
  • New York

    New York
    The New York colony was originally founded by Peter Minuit and its sole purpose was for trade and profits.
  • Delaware

    This colony was also founded by Peter Minuit, and its purpose was also for trade and profit.
  • Connecticut

    The Connecticut colony was founded by Thomas Hooker and he wanted to provide religious and economic freedom.
  • Maryland

    The Maryland colony was founded by George Calvert and he wanted to provide a place that would give religious freedom for Catholics.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams and its purpose was to give R\religious freedom.
  • The end of the Puritan migration

    The end of the Puritan migration
    the Great Migration of Puritans was relatively short-lived and not as large as is often believed. It began in earnest in 1629 with the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and ended in 1642 with the start of the English Civil War when King Charles I effectively shut off emigration to the colonies. Emigration was officially restricted to conforming churchmen in December 1634 by his Privy Council.[11] From 1629 through 1643, approximately 21,000 Puritans immigrated to New England.
  • New jersey

    New jersey
    The New Jersey colony was founded by Lord Berkeley and its original purpose was for trade and profits.
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    Unlike other colonies, North Carolina was founded by a group of proprietors looking to make money with the colony.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    South Carolina just like its sister settlement was founded by a group of people looking to make money.
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn an he wanted a place that would give religious freedom for Quakers; trade and profits.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was a colony founded by James Oglethorpe and its purpose was to provide a place so that people with debts can work off their debts.