Settlement, beginning to 1763

By DogCena
  • Settlement beginnings

    Settlement beginnings
    Creating settlements was not always easy because the rivalry between many others. Many people were inslaved and many were killed. Once people made their settlements many problems soon arrised such as disease, war, enslavement, etc.
  • Period: to

    Settlement in America

  • A colony is established in Virginia

    A colony is established in Virginia
    The established Jamestowne then things began going wrong. They began catching disease because of Dysentery and Typhoid and even their choice of location. Winter soon came and they did not have enough food and they refused to work. Powhatan fed them.
  • Virginia's early relationships with the Native Americans.

    Virginia's early relationships with the Native Americans.
    The English took food from the Native Americans as a sign of friendship. Things soon got too far. The English started taking advantage of them changing their way of life and destroying nature. They kept pretending to be allies with them when they got the perfect chance to strike in 1622 killing 350 colonists.
  • Powhatan

    Powhatan was feeding Jamestown. He brought alot of food and anything you needed to live. John Smith suspected he was up to no good. Powhatan then betrayed them.
  • John Smith asks for everyone to work

    John Smith asks for everyone to work
    John Smith creates a speech and it is thought to be cruel by many people. From what I read it sounded like he was saying the following. The sick will not starve but work for their food and those who dont work enough will be drowned in the river or to bebanished from the river. It was really difficult to read and understand this text.
  • 1610

    Galileo Galilei discovers the moons of jupiter when looking through his telescope.
  • Powhatan takes advantage of "The Starving Time" 1609-1610

    Powhatan takes advantage of "The Starving Time" 1609-1610
    During the Starving Time of 1609-1610, Powhatan and his child was able to take an advantage by freeing slave. They were also able to find their own food.
  • Pochontas marries John Rolfe

    Pochontas marries John Rolfe
    Pochontas was in love with John Rolfie while he was also in love with her. When they got married, the trible and Englishmen both started to get along.
  • Williams Shakespeare

    Williams Shakespeare
    Williams Shakespear dies on April 23 1616
  • NewYork

    New York is founded by Dutch (New Amsterdam)
  • Colony of Massachusetts founded

    Colony of Massachusetts founded
  • English Civil War begins

    English Civil War begins
    (Unknown exact date.)
  • South Carolina was founded

    South Carolina was founded
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton begins to experiment with Gravity.
  • The Great Plague

    The Great Plague
    The Great Plague kills 75,000 people in London.
  • Robert Hooke discovers cells

    Robert Hooke discovers cells
    Written in his book, "Micrographia," Robert Hooke uses the word, "cell" as basic unit of life. (Unknown real publish date besides September 1665.)
  • Gottfried Leibniz invents Leibniz wheel

    Gottfried Leibniz invents Leibniz wheel
    (Unknown exact date.)
  • Why is this important?

    This topic is important because we should know how our own country became what it is now today. It's important to know how life is the way it is now because that's how we invent things and help answer basic questions like how was America like in the 1600s? It helps us understand how humans has changed the world and how it's effecting the Earth and everything around it.