Setting the Scene for America

By lan13
  • Period: Aug 31, 1000 to


  • Sep 4, 1001

    Leif Ericson

    Leif Ericson
    Citation The First European to land on the North American Continent was a viking seaman.
  • Aug 31, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Citation A plague that was spread by fleas on rats that killed a lot of people.
  • Sep 5, 1378

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    Citation The Great Schism was where there were offten two or sometimes three popes at a time each with its own following. This moved the papacy to France.
  • Sep 4, 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    citationcitation The printing press helped spread Renaissance learning; large numbers of books could be produced quickly and at a low coast.
  • Sep 4, 1487

    Spanish Inquisition

    Spanish Inquisition
    Citation If you weren't Catholic then the government killed you. A lot of people were burned alive for being Jewish.
  • Sep 4, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Citation Christopher Columbus sailed for Spain although he was Italian. He was looking for a western sea route from Eroupe to Asia saw land thought he foud Asia when really it was North America.
  • Sep 4, 1492

    Spanish Christians conquer the Muslim Moors in Spain

    Spanish Christians conquer the Muslim Moors in Spain
    Citation They were expelled from Spain, but some adopted Christianity and stayed.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    Citation He sailed for England on June 24 and his crew sighted the coast of North America went ashore and claimed land for the English king.
  • Sep 4, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    citaiton Protestants slit and formed many different churches that Martin Luther King started.
  • Sep 4, 1519

    Hernando Cortes

    Hernando Cortes
    Citation Hernando Cortes was a Spanish warrior who began the conqes to the Aztec Empire.
  • Sep 4, 1531

    Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe Apparition

    Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe Apparition
    Citation Juan Diego was visited by Mary she told him not to be afraid and to bulid a shrine of her in that spot . This spread catholcism thourgh the Aztec Empire.
  • Sep 4, 1532

    Fancisco Pizarro

    Fancisco Pizarro
    Citation He was a spanich Conquestidor. He was the one who stared the conquest of Peru. He conquered the Incas.
  • Sep 4, 1534

    King Henry VIII and the beginning of the Church England

    King Henry VIII and the beginning of the Church England
    citationcitation Broke all ties to the Roman Chuch because he coundn't divorce his wife.
  • Sep 4, 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Citation The Council of Trent was a council that revitalized the Roman Catholic Church in many parts of Europe
  • The founding of Roanoke

    The founding of Roanoke
    citationcitation This is where the colonist from England landed. John White went back to England leaving 117 colonists and whould be back in 3 months. It was 3 years before he could get back . When he finally got back, there was no trace of anyone.
  • The founding of Jamestown

    The founding of Jamestown
    citationcitation A group of 105 colonist landed in Virgina and establisted Jamestown. It was the first succesful settlement.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Citation He sailed for England. He tried to discover a short route from Europe to Asia through the Artic ocean. A river, straight and bay in North America was named after him.
  • King Louis XIV became king of France

    King Louis XIV became king of France
    citationcitation Neglected the opporiunities to gain an empire in America and India and involved France in wars that ruined the country financially and paved the way for the outbreak of the French Revolution.
  • Marquestte and Joliet

    Marquestte and Joliet
    Citation Marquestte and Joliet were from France and set out to reach the Mississippi.