Sep 5, 1001
Leif Ericson
Citation Leif Ericson was a viking from Iceland who found Greenland and led the first people to America. This brought many people to these countries. -
Aug 31, 1347
Black Death
Citation The Black Death is an epidemic caused by fleas that occured during medieval time. It changed the wold because it killed a large percent of the population. -
Aug 31, 1378
The Great Schism
Citation The Great Schism was a time of confusion where there was two to three popes at one time. It affected the world because it broke the Catholic church into two branches. -
Aug 31, 1439
The Invention of the Printing Press
Citation The printing press is a machine that printed many things, which changed the world by making books (including the Bible) more available to many people. -
Aug 31, 1487
Spanish Inquisition
Citation During the Spanish Inquisition the moncarchs of Spain restricted the rights of Jews. This changed the world because Spain was left without an active middle class; the Jews. -
Aug 31, 1492
Spanish Christians Conquered the Muslim Moors
Citation Spain was against the Protestant Reformation and decided to expell Jews and Moors from Spain to promote Catholocism. This changed Spain because the loss of builders and businessmen weakened them. -
Oct 7, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Citation Christopher Columbus was a seeking a route from Europe to Asia, but he reached the Caribbean instead. He sailed for Spain and brought people to the Americas. -
Aug 31, 1497
John Cabot
Citation John Cabot sailed for the English and found the Northwest Passage. He also reached North America and claimed the land for England. This brought many people to North America. -
Aug 31, 1517
Protestant Reformation
Citation This event took place because many people were unhappy with the Catholic Church, including Martin Luther. He wrote a 95 thesis statement and broke off from the church. Many people joined him to create what is now Lutheranism. -
Aug 31, 1519
Hernando Cortez
Citation Cortez was a Spanish conquistador who defeated Moctezuma and conquered the Aztecs. This changed the world by bringing Spanish people and customs to the Aztecs. -
Aug 31, 1531
Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe
Citation Juan Diego was visited by the Virgin Mary who told him not to be afraid, and to build her a shrine. This changed the world by spreading Catholocism throughout the Aztecs. -
Aug 31, 1532
Francisco Pizarro
Citation Pizarro was a Spanish Conquistador who conquered the Incan Empire. This changed the world because now the people speak Spanish in Peru. -
Aug 31, 1534
King Henry VIII and the Church of England
Citation King Henry VII started and was declared Supreme Head of the Church of England. Many things were reformed while he was in charge. -
Aug 31, 1545
The Council of Trent
Citation The Catholic church demanded reforms and Pope Paul III gathered the Council of Trent. This changed the world by redefining the faith and improving the church. -
Founding of Roanoke
Citation In this year, Roanoke was founded and by 1950 it had disappeared. This changed the world because it was an important center for trade, financial, industrial and transportation businesses that were all lost. -
Founding of Jamestown
Citation Jamestown was the first permanent American colony. It was an important seaport that set up trade in the Americas. This changed the world because it is also where the first African Americans arrived, which changed the customs of America. -
Henry Hudson
Citation Henry Hudson sailed for the Dutch and discovered a short trade route from Europe to Asia through the Arctic Ocean, which increased trade. He also found the Hudson River in present day New York. -
King Louis XIV
Citation King Louis XIV became the king of France and ruled from Versailles Palace. This changed France because he ruled during one of their greatest periods and contributed to it. -
Marquette and Joliet
Citation They were the first English colonists to explore the Mississippi River. It changed the world because this river then became a commonly used transportation and trade route. Also, they sailed for France.