SethDaddySlim's Insurance Plan

  • Present Day

    I am in finance writiing a timeline to show where I will be in twenty years.
  • Get my license and begin to start paying for car insurance

  • Begin to rent an apartment

    Begin to rent an apartment
    I start to rent an apartment with a few of my friends and I need to pay for renters insurance.
  • Health Insurance

    Health Insurance
    I start paying for health insurance incase something happens to me and im not able to work and make money to pay my bills.
  • Get a dog

    Get a dog
    I get a dog and have to start paying pet insurance so that if something happens to my dog im protected.
  • Computer Insurance

    I buy a computer for my job and I need to pay for insurance incase something happens to it and it gets destroyed.
  • Dental Insurance

    Dental Insurance
    I have to start paying for dental insurance incase I get a cavity and would be forced to pay out of pocket if i didn't have insurance.
  • House Insurance

    House Insurance
    After saving up money from my job I decide to buy a house and move out of my parents house. I need to pay for house insurance incase my house burns down.
  • Life Insurance

    Life Insurance
    As I start to make a family with my wife I have to start paying for life insurance for if I die they will get money if I was to die.
  • Burial Insurance

    Burial Insurance
    By paying for burial insurance you will have your burial payed for by the insurance company