Jan 1, 1543
Scientific Revolution
Nicolaus Copernicus: 1 of the most influential astronomers of all the history. Formulated the Heliocentric Theory. Published “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium” which contributes to the Science Revolution. René Descartes: Considered father of modern western philosophy and analytical geometry. Had doubts of his existence. Isaac Newton: Influential Scientist of all time. Formulated Gravity, builded a Reflecting Telescope and formulated the Theory of Colors by using a Prism. -
Jan 2, 1543
Inquisition: Church started losing its influence and punishments appeared. For people to obey the religion, heretics were punished. Discoveries were seen as heresy. The Press Creation: Made printing books easier and faster, decreased number of errors. Contributed to the spread of Bibles. Invention of the Scientific Method: Robert Boyle was responsible for this, broadly used in Chemistry to show the veracity of experiments, he wrote several steps that are still followed in the XXI century. -
The Enlightenment
1620-1781 Montesquieu: “The spirit of the Laws” he tried to find the natural laws that govern the social and political relationships of human beings. Voltaire: He challenged the actions of the church
He championed deism, a religious philosophy based in reason and natural law. Diderot: the Encyclopedia, it covered all the areas: science and technology, politics, religion, art, social and humanitarian issues. -
Slavery: literature written by slaves convinced the readers of the immorality of slavery. Religion: christianity was affected by reason. Women's rights: women wanted to have a word too, they wanted to be treated equally. A lot of men were against this. -
American Revolution
Ended September 3, 1783 Important Characters
Alexander Hamilton: Hamilton was commissioned as the captain of a company of artillery and he soon became Washington’s personal secretary. Benjamin Franklin: was part of the five-member committee that helped draft the Declaration of Independence, in which the 13 American colonies declared their freedom from British rule. Nathan Hale: was an American soldier and spy for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. -
An outcome of this event is that the United States are now a free country. Another consequence is that a lot of people died in the process. England lost its colonies in America. -
French Revolution
Ended in the late 1790s Louis XVI: King of France. He convened a meeting with the nobility to support him against possible revolution and for them to pay taxes but the nobility stopped supporting him. Necker: He summoned the general states to vote regarding the new economic reforms , where the outbreak of the revolution begins. Napoleon : He was emperor of France , military and statesman . He gave the coup that made him ruler of France ending the revolution. -
France became a country with a parliamentary constitutional monarchy Many people died on the guillotine, including Louis XVI and his wife Maria Antonieta They signed the Declaration of the Rights of Man -
Napoleonic Empire
Ended 1815 Napoleon Bonaparte: French artillery commander, general, first consul and later emperor. Got control of the French government and built a massive empire that surrounded most of Europe. Defeated and exiled twice. Gebhard Blucher: Prussian marshal, helped the British army. Defeated Napoleon’s forces at Waterloo. Duke of Wellington: British commander which along Blucher defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. Entered British politics and served as Prime Minister. -
Treaty of Chaumont: Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia agreed to ally for 20 years, promising to fight to stop France if it got powerful again. Treaty of Paris: There were many treaties in Paris, but after Louis XVIII signed this one, it restored France to its 1792 boundaries. Congress of Vienna: It was decided how to repartition Europe after defeating Napoleon. One of the most massive and significant treaties and created a Europe with balance of power to prevent a wide war for 100 years. -
http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/napoleonic/terms.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution http://www.laguia2000.com/francia/siglo-xviii/personajes-de-la-revolucion-francesa http://www.theamericanrevolution.org/people.aspx http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/scientificrevolution/terms.html http://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/galileu-ciencia-santa-inquisicao.htm http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/galileo/dialogue.html -
Bibliography 2
http://empresas.mundivia.es/iespereda/alumnos/judit/rfpersonajes_rf.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x73xa-R1TX0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iClFLXvg780 http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/monografia/newton/ http://educacao.uol.com.br/biografias/johannes-gutenberg.htm http://www.infoescola.com/filosofos/rene-descartes/ http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/galileo/dialogue.html