1 CE
Gifts and Ships
Odysseus and the Phaecians are on the Island of Ogygia packing up the ship with farewell gifts given to Odysseus by the Phaecians as they beging their journey back to Odysseus's homeland, Ithaca
“Clothing for our guest is packed already, / stored in a polished chest inlaid with gold, / as well as all the other gifts brought here / by Phaeacia’s counsellors. But come now, / let’s give him a large tripod and a cauldron, .” Book 13 Lines 12-16 -
Reaches Ithaca
Odysseus has fallen asleep on the voyage and is still asleep when the Phaecians land in Ithaca. The Phaecians place the sleeping Odysseus and all of the treaures gifted to him by them on Ithaca and leave him. "They spread a rug / and linen sheet on the deck inside the hollow ship, /at the stern, so Odysseus could sleep in peace. / He went aboard, as well, and lay down in silence." Book 13 Lines 89-92 -
Poseidon Complains to Zeus
Poseidon complains to Zeus about the Phaeacians’ transporting Odysseus safely home and decides to turn the Phaeacian ship to stone and put up a mountain range around their city
“Father Zeus, / the immortal gods will honour me no more, / for these men pay me no respect at all, .” Book 13 Lines 150-153 “close to the shore, a rock that looks just like / some fast ship, so all men will be amazed. / Then raise a massive mountain round their town.” Book 13 Lines 190-193 -
Odysseus Wakes Up
Odysseus wakes up in Ithaca and is not aware of where he is
"Meanwhile, Odysseus, asleep in his own land, / woke up. He didn’t recognize just where he was. / He’d been away so long" Book 13 Lines 227-229 -
Saatuwee Attack (My Added Event)
After waking up in an unknown place, Odysseus decides to look around and explore the land. Staying close to the ocean he walked up shore when all of sudden a saatuwee, a sea monster that can breathe air and water, jumped out and attacked Odysseus. Fighting for his life he managed to get away only to pass out from fright. -
Athena Visits
Odysseus gets woken up by Athena, who is disguised as a young man, and Athena tells him he is in Ithaca. Odysseus comes up with a lie about who he is and how he got there only to discover who Athena really is and that she knows who he really is and how he got there.
“and Pallas Athena, / Zeus’ daughter, had shed a mist around him, / to make him hard for people to identify,” Book 13 Lines 229-231 -
To get revenge on Odysseus's suitors, Athena and Odysseus come up with a plan to transform Odysseus into an old beggar and seek out the swineherd of Ithaca. Meanwhile Athena heads out to Sparta to find Odysseus's son, Telemachus.
"But come, I’ll transform you, / so you’ll be unrecognizable to all"487-489 -
Meeting Eumaeus
Odysseus meets the swineherd, Eumaeus, who welcomes him into his home and prepares a meal for him. Eumaeus informs Odysseus about his absent master, and tells him that he believes Odysseus will not return. Odysseus tells a lie about his journeys and told him news that he heard Odysseus will return within a month.
"Come in the hut. / When you’ve had enough to eat and drink / and your heart’s satisfied, you can tell me /where you come from, what troubles you’ve endured.” Book 14 Lines 50-54 -
More Swineherds
The rest of the Swineherds gather in Eumaeus' house and and he sacrifices another meal. Odysseus sleeps in the bed prepared for him while Eumaeus goes outside to sleep to protect the boars.
"As these two were talking like this to each other, / the other herdsmen came in with their swine" Book 14 Lines 544-545
"After saying this, he jumped up and placed a bed / for Odysseus near the fire" Books 14 Lines 675-676