Sequence of Events That Led to the German Unification

  • Period: to

    Unification of Germany Timespan

  • Zolleverin

    An economic union has been created by Prussia called the Zolleverin. This took off many tarrifs from the German States. Zolleverin also brought unity to German States.
  • Liberals Meeting

    Liberala demand German political unity during the Frankfurt Assembly meeting.
  • Otto von Bismarck delivers his "blood and iron" speech.

    This speech is basically about the unification of the German States.
  • Bismarck Unites Germany

    After King William I makes Bismarck the chancellor, Bismarck uses his "blood and iron" to unite the German States under the Prussian Power.
  • Prussia Fights Austria

    Prussia comes out of the war as the winner and gains control over both of the north German States.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    This war leads to the victory of Prussia and the new formation of the German Empire.
  • Question #1

    What factors finally led to 19th Century German unification? The two main factors were Otto von Bismarck and the force of Prussia.
  • Question #2

    What factors brought 19th Century unity to an end? William II