William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in Newquay, United Kingdom. His parents were Alec and Mildred Golding.
  • His Job

    His Job
    Although his dad had always wanted him to be a scientist. William became an English teacher and philosopher at Bishop Wordsworth's School.
  • Royal Navy

    Royal Navy
    During WW2, he joined the Royal Navy. He served as a destroyer and was briefly involved in the pursuit and sinking of the German battleship Bismarck.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    He wrote the novel The Lord of The Flies which told the story of a group of young boys stranded on a deserted island after a plane wreck. This novel won The Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • Death

    William and his wife moved into a house in Perranarworthal, Cornwall. He died of heart failure eight years later at the home.