September 11th

  • Flight 175

    Flight 175
    At 8:15 a.m. flight 175 takes off from Boston as well also heading towards Los Angeles, CA. This plane includes 51 passengers, 9 crew members and again 5 hijackers on board the plane.
  • Us Airspace Shutdown

    At 9:45 a.m. the air shuts down. All civilian aircraft’s are ordered to land at the nearest airport.
  • Flight 93

    Flight 93
    At 8:42 a.m. flight 93 takes off from Newark, New Jersey after a delay. It was on the way to San Francisco, CA. There was 33 passengers, 7 crew members and 4 hijackers on board the plane.
  • President Bush is Informed

    President Bush is Informed
    At 9:05 a.m. Bush is in an elementary school located in Florida when he learns the second tower was hit. He chose to not jump up and rush out as he did not want to frighten the children.
  • First Plane Hits North Tower

    First Plane Hits North Tower
    At 8:46 a.m. flight 11 crashes into the north tower of the world trade center. All passengers on the plane are killed instantly and everyone above the 91st is trapped in the building.
  • The Pentagon

    The Pentagon
    At 9:37 a.m. flight 77 crashes into the pentagon building. All passengers are killed at an instant along with 125 civilian and military personnel in the building at the time.
  • North Tower falls

    North Tower falls
    At 10:28 a.m. an hour and 42 minutes after the plane hits the north tower collapsed.
  • South Tower Falls

    South Tower Falls
    At 9:59 a.m. 56 minutes after the plane hits, the south tower collapsed.
  • Plane 93 Crashes

    Plane 93 Crashes
    At 10:02 a.m. flight 93 plows into an empty field in Pennsylvania. The target is still unknown but it was most likely headed for the white house or the U.S Capitol building
  • Flight 93 Fights Back

    Flight 93 Fights Back
    At 9:57 a.m. Passengers aboard flight 93 begin to take charge and go up to the cockpit to try and stop the pilot.
  • Flight 11

    Flight 11
    At 7:59 a.m. flight 11 takes off from Boston on its way to Los Angeles, California. This plane includes 76 total passengers, 11 crew members and 5 hijackers on board
  • Flight 77

    Flight 77
    At 8:20 a.m. flight 77 from Dulles, outside of Washington, d.c. heading for Los Angeles as well. This flight includes 53 passengers on board, 6 crew members and 5 hijackers.
  • Second Plane Hits South Tower

    Second Plane Hits South Tower
    At 9:03 a.m. flight 175 crashes into the south tower. All passengers on board are killed instantly and an unknown number are killed in the tower as well.
  • Flight 11 Alert

    Flight 11 Alert
    At 8:24 a.m. a hijacker on flight 11 accidentally alerts Boston air controllers about the attacks. He was attempting to hit the button to talk to the passengers.