September11  300x200

September 11, 2001

  • 8:46 AM

    Around 25 minutes after controllers lost contact, Flight 11 crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
  • 8:20 AM

    Air traffic controllers believe American Airline Flight 11 has been hijacked.
  • 8:56 AM

    Another plane, flight 77, is unable to reach contact with air traffic controllers.
  • 9:03 AM

    Flight 175 crashes into the World Trade Center's south tower 43 minutes after air traffic control lost contact with the flight's pilots.
  • 9:28 AM

    Air traffic control finds out that Flight 93 has been hijacked.
  • 9:38 AM

    Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon between carridors 4 and 5.
  • 9:59 AM

    The World Trade Center's south tower falls.
  • 10:10 AM

    Flight 93's unsuccessful mission to attack the nation's Capital ended in a crash in Pennsylvania.
  • 10:28 AM

    The north tower of the World Trade Center disintegrates.
  • 5:20 PM

    Building 7 of the World Trade Center is demolished.