Playing an instrument was always expected of me at a young age. It wasn't really a choice, being I was three and could barely tie my own shoe let alone picking an instrument to play. My mother is a professional violinist and wasted no time on getting me to start. It taught me at a young age how to be precise, and it gave me discipline. I had to learn notes, pitch, rhythm and bowing at 3. Though I no longer play it was a huge part of my childhood and to this day I use the real life skills. -
Ear Lancing
I first got my ears pierced in kindergarten. I had them done for 2 months before I started forming a bump on the back of my ear. We didn't really think too much of it until I woke up the next day and it was grown to the size of a golf ball. My doctor couldn't see me until 6 pm and I refused to go to the hospital. So we waited till 6, then got sent to an ENT, it had to get popped immediately. I underwent the surgery wide awake. This experience taught me how to cope with extreme pain so young -
Locks of Love
I had always had long hair. I never wanted to cut it. I would get your typical trims but never any length. My mom and grandma always used to joke that i was selfish for keeping all that hair, and of course being the prima donna I was I decided I wasn't going to be selfish anymore and cut it all off. 16 inches of my hair gone. Even though I was so young it really humbled me because I knew deep down I was going to help someone who really needed it even if i was only 8 I felt like I was helping. -
I started cheerleading because my friend suggested it to me. I had never done anything like this before. I was in sport camps when I was younger but never on a real team. I had to learn really fast how to work with other people. I used to be so shy and all of a sudden I was thrown into a team with 20 plus girls. I had to learn real quick how to open up. It really helped me become the outgoing person I am today. I have no problems with being shy. 5 years of cheer helped me come out of my shell. -
Pennys Passing
I had never really dealt with the loss of someone close to me. I had gotten my dog Penny three years prior to her death. I had saved up all my money to buy her. She was my dog, she was my best friend and I was so attached. No more then three years after we got her we found out she had terminal double kidney failure. I was going to lose my best friend. Only four days had went by and then she passed away. I lost my best friend in the matter of 4 days. It was my first heartbreak and it was hard. -
Breaking My Ankle
I broke my ankle in 6th grade in the most embarrassing way possible. I was standing on the table in the cafeteria dancing around like an idiot and all of a sudden I fell. and my ankle got stuck in the table and all you could hear was ¨RIP¨ my ankle was basically detached from the rest of my body. All I can remember is my friend Liz exclaiming I broke my ankle and people crowding around me. I had to walk on it for the rest of the day. It helped cope with shock and how to care for myself. -
My grandpa whom I called ¨Papa¨ had a sudden heart attack, though I had dealt with my dog passing, I never had to go through a grandparents death. we were very close, he struggled with dementia and alzheimer's. Other then that he was in good health. One day i found out he was in the hospital but he was going to be okay. No more than 4 days later on my way home from school my dad told me and my brother he was gone. Yet again another sudden death. It was so hard but it made me a stronger person. -
In 8th grade it was two years after my dog passed away. My mom and I were ready for another pet and I was set on getting a cat. Luckily one of the students at my moms school had a cat and it just had kittens. That year was a rough year on its own, my brother had just left for college and my grandma moved in with us. Getting my cat Kioshi made my year 10x better. She was only 4 weeks old, so we had to bottle feed her and from there on we were attached. She helped me get over a lot things. -
Von Willebrand
I was in and out of the hospital every week for something new. Whether it was migraines or extreme stomach pain. And every time I went I was always diagnosed with something. I never left empty handed that's for sure. One time I went for excessive bleeding only to find out I have a blood disorder called Von Willebrand. I have to take precautions with everything I do. It is very hard to deal with and I have to get so many tests done all the time. But it's helping me become a much stronger person. -
I have always been obsessed with Broadway, its just been my thing for the longest time but I was never able to go to any shows. Until my 16th birthday. My dad and mom got me tickets to go see Wicked in the city for my birthday. I had never been so excited, I had only dreamed of the day I would finally get to see a Broadway show. It was better than I could have ever imagined. it was like an out of body experience. It gave me an even greater appreciation for the skills and talents the actors have.