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Senior Project - A. Speir - Summer 2012

By aspeir
  • preliminary project approval

  • Meeting with Librarians

    meeting at 11:15am CST with head librarian and youth librarian of the Kilbourne Public Library in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Will determine time, room location, and target audience age.
  • Full proposal submission

    submission of full project proposal and timeline
  • Begin the great gathering - of Materials

    began working with local businesses to gather larges boxes and prop materials needed
  • e-mail checkin with Library

    Jodi, the Children's librarian at the Kilbourne Library has stayed in contact with me discussing program name for flyer promotion, and discussed the possibility of making bookmarks to go along with the program.
  • Materials call-around

    Today I attempted to locate buisness who may be able to assist wth the material needs of this project. So far no luck on the phone, so I will go in person in the next day or so to attempt help with materials.
  • Material Scavange Outting

    Success! Today I went to several local businesses to request assistance. The Ace Hardware of Portage was kind enough to let me dive through their recycling bins for tons of cardboard and helped me recolor some premade "mess up" paints that they sold me to at a severely reduced price. Another local business, The Paint Place, brainstormed with me for ideas and sold me some black Chalkboard paints (so we can draw on the props, how fun!) and stainless steel paints at at HUGE discount.
  • Thrift Store scavange

    Over 30 feet of old black cabling was located at a thrift store to be the prop "cables" for the PC interior.
  • start preparing dialog

    start working on activity/presentation dialog and presentation flow.
  • web updates

    • Made several updates to webpage
    • continued correspondance with Jodi from the Library
  • prop assembly - cont'd

    continued working on the giant PC prop
  • prop assembly - cont'd

    further giant prop development this day
  • web updates / script outlining

    made updates to web page (media area) to include some of the “building” images.
    I also began to outline some of the script so I can work on flow and how the giant PC prop affects the flow of the script. It seems that I will have to work on the props and the script outline low simultaneously to ensure they work seamlessly together and still engaging for the kids.
  • have all prop materials gather

    personal deadline given to have all cardboard, paints, tapes, velcros, you NAME it for building the giant PC tower prop and all interior hardware prop pieces.
  • Start creating props (if not started already)

    Start to ceate all needed props for the presentation if not started already. All needed materials, pending unforseen issues, should be gathered at this point.
  • prop creation cont'd / scripting cont'd

    continued to work on dialog/scripting/activity outline. Placed info into a google doc for viewing on the website. Continued to work on giant PC prop - top case created, side and back taped, bottom cut to appropriate size as needed to fit onto the bed rails securely
  • prop creation cont'd

    finally got to start painting the giant props, once I got the design worked out and how to coordinate it and the script together for best flow and to bring understanding.
  • short prop painting day

    contiued painting... but had to stop shorter than preferred. It was just too darn hot and even with protection I started sunburning and feeling the effects of the heat.
  • painting day / coordespondance

    still painting main structure.... wow this is taking alot of paint. Bottom case finished, top case 1/2 done, 2 side pieces half done. -email correspondance, working with jodi on activity flyers to make sure we drawn a crowd (might be able to add this flyer in current form to goog docs)
  • start practicing presentation script/flow

    as the scripting should be outlined and props underway, I will begin practicing the script flow for the presentation to ensure it is happening in a logical sequence and best to handle how the kids may react and work with me
  • finalize presentation script

    ensure the script/dialog for presentation/activity is as complete as possible
  • Finalize props

    ensure all props needed for the activity/presentation are completed
  • Finlaize all preparations

    Ensure all props, scripts, etc are completed; verify with all people helping that refreshments, location, timeslot, etc are all still good to go.
  • PC Hardware - For Kids! Presentation

    2:00pm CST - activity/presentation at the Kilbourne Public Library in Wisconsin Dells, WI.
  • begin preparing final presentation

    Start preparing any media footage, photos taken, materials, personal notes, and interview materials for my final project presentation for the professors