Made a list of Senior Project Ideas
Health (Childhood Obesity or MS Society) -
Choose Senior Project Idea
Choose project idea (Making textiles for clothing & printing them) -
Research more about the project idea -
First Written Senior Project Proposal
Change Senior project idea - Embroidery
Embroidery for clothing - Previous senior project idea was too expensive -
Look for Mentor
Find Print and Online Resource
Buy Products
Michaels: Needles, thread, circle to hold fabric, fabric, book on different stitches -
Started a Pinterest Board
Practice Stitching
Used book resource to help practice stitching -
First final product - Rose
Created Flower
Got turned down by a possible mentor
Said she wasn't the best person to do it -
Made the outline of a mermaid
Practice Fill Stitches and Shading with Long/Short Stitch
Created New Tech Logo with Lon/Short Stitch
Started Embroidering Image of a Face
Finally Found a Mentor
I was a little late finding one, but I was finally able to find a mentor. Through this experience, I have found that there are not many people in Napa who do embrodiery. -
Made a few videos of myself embroidering