Semir Cejvanovic Honors World History Timeline

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    Mesopotamia's first people

    The first people to settle in Mesopotamia came before 4500 B.C. The civialians liked to settle around the Southern border do to the flooding leaving behind fresh silt, which was great for farming. However, the flooding was unpredictable and made the land feel like a desert at times.
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    The Nile River

    Ever since the start of Egypt, (around 5000 B.C.) farmers have used the Nile river for farming. The nile had a great clockwork for flooding. But the nile also had some risks. When the water fell too low starvation was a risk.
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    Zhou over throw Shang

    Around 1027 B.C. the Zhou over threw the Shang. The Zhou established their own dynasty, They adopted their dynasty and it didn't bring too much change. The Zhou brought new ideas to Chinese civilizations.
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    Sheep in India

    Nobody knows how settlement began in India. It is believed that people went through the Hindu Kush mountains. Archeologists have discovered sheep and goats dating back to 7000 B.C.
  • Period: 100 to Dec 2, 700


  • Period: 100 to


  • Period: 100 to Dec 5, 1200

    Indus Valley

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    Social Class

    In 594 B.C. Solon created a political class. The fitst three classes coulf hold political power.
  • 300

    Sumers wars

    The temple priests were poor leaders of sumer and caused conflicts. Wars broke out between Sumer's city states after 3000 B.C. Gradually, military leaders took over and became full-time leaders.
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    From 3000 B.C. to 2000 B.C. there were constant wars. Eventually this weaked the city-states. Barriers became loose which cased for more wars. Although the city-states were destroyed and the people were devistated, the civilization did not die.
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    After 200 years of being two kingdoms, Egypt unified. The unification of the two kingdoms was around 3000 B.C. Evidence shows that Narmer unified the kingdoms.
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    Around 3300 B.C. the Sumerians came to settle along the Fertile Cresent.The soil attracted the settlers. Although the land was good for farming because of the silt, there was no barriers for protection, which left them defenceless.
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    Sumerians city states.

    By 3000 B.C. many city states were built by the Sumerians. Each city had its own city-state. A city-state functioned like an independent country. The major Sumerian city states were Uruk, Kish, Lagash, Umma, and Ur.
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    The system of writing was Cuneiform in Sumer. The first map was made in about 2300 B.C. The writing was made on clay tablets.
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    By 3200 B.C. Egypt was under the rule of two kingdoms. The kingdoms were Lower and Upper Egypt. Over a period of time the two kingdoms formed into one.
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    Egyptian artifacts.

    There are many artifacts from Egypt. The artifacts are suggested to go back to 3250 B.C. Scholars believe that the Scorpian is the earliest artifact from Egypt.
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    Narmer's crown

    Narmer was one of the kings of Egypt. Around 3000 B.C. he created a double crown from recycled peices from the red and white crowns. The crown symbolized a united kingdom.
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    Egpyts pharaohs

    During Narmers rule, (around 3000 B.C.) people believed that the pharaoh was the head of the religion, government, and army. It was said that the Egyptians believed that the pharaoh caused the sun to rise, the Nile to flood, and many other natural outcomes. The pharaoh was complete control.
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    The mummies tomb.

    Mummification was adapted in Egypt around 3200 B.C. Attendents would embalm the dead body to preserve it. After embalming the body, attendendts would put it in the tomb. The tomb was full of needs and desires a dead person could want in the after life, such as; clothing, food, makeup, and more items.
  • 300

    Human Settlement

    No one is exactly sure how human settlement appeared in India. It was said that the Aryans were the first to dettle around the 1500's. By 3200 B.C. there were people everywhere for farming.
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    Around 2600 B.C. the Egyptians began mummification. Mummification is the process of embalming, drying, and preserving a body to prevent it from drying. Only the royal and elite Egyptians' were mummified.
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    Trade in Harappa

    It was said that The Harappans were very skillful at art and trading. They were good at making crafts such as pottery, metal work, and jewerly. They used their skills to sell the art for the economy. Trade started in 2600 B.C.
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    What was traded in Harappa

    The items traded in Harappa were jewelery, cloth, and more stuff. The Indus River was a great trade route used. The people traded to civilizations around them like Mesopotamia. Trade started in 2600 B.C.
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    Trading in India

    The Harappans were really skillful traders. The Indus river provided great trading ports and routes. Trading began in 2600 B.C. and ended in 1800 B.C.
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    Around 2550 B.C. the Sumerians believed in more than one god. The Sumerians were polytheistic. They also believed that the gods controled the faces of nature
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    The Great Pyramid at Giza

    The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest pyramid in Egypt. It was completed in 2556 B.C. The pyramids held the remains of the miummies.
  • Dec 1, 600


    Around 2400 B.C. the number system was created. The number used was 60. It is still used tofay by having 60 sweconds in a minute and 360 degrees in a circle.
  • Dec 1, 600


    Around 2450 the Sumerians built Ziggurats. The ziggurats were used for sarcifices of animals, food, and drinks. The ziggurats were created for the gods.
  • Dec 1, 600

    Architectual innovations.

    Around 2300 B.C. the Sumerians had architectual innovations. The civialians built arches, columns, ramps, and ziggurats. The buildings greatly influenced Mesopotamia and the civilization.
  • Dec 1, 600

    Sumer's ruling power

    Temple priests controled Sumer in its earliest times. Eventually wars broke out and much of Sumerian city-states fell under control of dynasties after 2500 B.C. A dynasty is a series of rulers from a single family.
  • Dec 1, 600

    The spread of cities

    Trade became very commen in Sumer because of a surplus of food. The items traded were food, ideas, cultural ideas, etc. The spread of ideas became known as cultural diffusion. By 2500 B.C. new cities grew along the Fertile Cresent.
  • Dec 1, 600

    Social Class

    Around 2500 B.C. the social class was established. At the top were kinds, land ownders, and some priests; then wealthy merchants; then farmers and workers; finally slaves. Most of the slaves were people who were captured in war.
  • Dec 1, 600

    Woman in the social class.

    Around 2450 B.C. the social class showed how it affted daily lives. Woman worked as merchants, farmers, artists, and scribes. A scribe is an intelligent person who recorded the events that happened.
  • Dec 3, 600

    Egyptian Social Rank

    Around 2500 the Egyptian societyy formed a pyramid. At the top were the kings, queens, and royal family,. Next came the landowners, government officals, priests, and army commanders. After them were merchants and artisans. Finally came then peasent farmers and laborors. The bottom teir was the largest.
  • Dec 5, 600

    The Indus Valley

    Even though not much is known about the Indus Valley, it is reported that people began settling in about 2500 B.C. The language is has not been translated yet. The Indus Valley was located in what is present day India and Pakistan.
  • Dec 5, 600

    Harappan Civilization

    Around 2500 B.C. the Harappan Civilization was created. The Harappan civilization included Kalibangan, Mohenjo-Daro, and Harappa. These cities were believed to be the biggest.
  • Dec 5, 600

    Religion in India

    It was said that the Harappan leaders had close ties to their religion. Archeologists believe that the Harappans were were theocrats. Artifacts point to Hinduism as their religion.
  • Dec 5, 600

    Indus Valley cities

    One of the most recognizable achievements in the Indus Valley was their grid like cities. They were made this way for plumbing. The way the cities were created a strong central government in 2500 B.C.
  • Dec 3, 630

    Egypts religion

    Around 2500 Egypt went under the rule of pharohs. Pharaohs were kings who were also gods. This ype of governemnt is called theocracy
  • Dec 3, 630

    Woman in Egypt

    Around 2500, it was said that woman held the same rights as men. A woman could own land, and trade. She could also get married and get a divorce. If a woman filed for a divorce she would get one third of the land.
  • Dec 3, 630

    Slaves in Egypt

    Around 2500 B.C. while the Egyptian society formed the pyramidit was said that slaves could move their way up. To work their way up slaves would choose freedom as a reward for their loyal service.
  • Dec 5, 630

    Indus city states

    Ever since theIndus started, it ran as a single society. Mesopotamia and Egypt were city-states. Little is known about the Harappan people.
  • Dec 5, 630

    Planning and plumbing

    Around 2500 B.C. cities were being created. The Indian people were laying bricks, leaves, etc. to keep water out of their cities. The Harrappan people were very well with planning and plumbing.
  • Dec 5, 630

    Harappan Language

    Around 2500 B.C. the Harappans created a written language. Unlike cunieform and hieroglypghics, the Harappan language has been impossible to decipher. The languge is sounded on stamps and seals. There are about 400 symbols making up the language
  • Dec 1, 700

    Sargon defeats Sumer

    About 2350 B.C. Sargon defeated Sumer. He led his army from Akkad and created the worlds first empire. An empire is rule under one person.
  • Dec 3, 700


    The Egyptians did not use clay slabs to write on. Around 2300 B.C. they invented a better writing surface from papyrus reeds. The Egyptians cut the reeds up, dried them, and then pasrted them back together from the sap and wrote on them.
  • Dec 3, 700


    Around 2300 B.C. the Egyptians' developed a writing system called hieroglyphics, which translates to sacred carving in Greek. Hieroglyphics were pictures and symbols transdlated into letters. For example, an owl stood for the letter M.
  • Dec 3, 750


    Around 2200 B.C. the Egyptians created a solar year. Th=ey calculated a year into 365 days using stars. They made the calender so accurate that it was only short by 6 hours.
  • Dec 5, 1000

    Mandate of Heaven

    Around 1027 B.C. the Mandate of HEaven was made. The Mandate of Heaven is a divine right to rule. The MAndate of Heaven became the central view of government.
  • Period: Dec 9, 1000 to Dec 9, 1500


  • Dec 5, 1050


    Born in 500s B.C. Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddism. He was better known as Buddha.
  • Dec 5, 1050


    In 621 B.C. draco developed an Athenian legal code. The code dealt harshly with animals. It also made slavery a debt.
  • Dec 5, 1050


    In 594 B.C. Solon abolished slavery. He believed no citizen should own another person. This brought changes against people who have done bad.
  • Dec 5, 1050

    Messenia and Sparta

    Around 725 B.C. Sparta conquered Messenia. Sparta demanded half of their crop ad a treat becaue of their victory. In 650 B.C. the Messenians revolted against Sparta.
  • Dec 5, 1050

    Age of Particles

    From 461-429 B.C., the Age of Particles was in store. During this time Greece had many goals. The goals were to strenghten Athenian democracy, strenghten the Empire, and make Athens beautiful.
  • Dec 5, 1050

    The Republic

    In the 370s B.C. Plato wrote The Republic. The Republic said that everyone fell under certain social classes.
  • Dec 5, 1050


    Around 750 B.C. Polis'es started showing up. A polis is a city-state. Polis'es were fundamental political units, they made up cities and countrysides, and more.
  • Dec 5, 1050

    Education in Athens

    The Education in Athens buring thwe 500s B.C. was segregated. Boys got to go to school starting at 7 years old, they studdied language, literature, math, etc. They also participated in athletic activites. Woman on the other hand were homeschooled, and tought how to be a proper wife.
  • Dec 5, 1050

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age of Greece was from 477-431 B.C. The Golden Age included art, education, governemnt, and inspiring speakers. The Golden Age also included Pericles.
  • Dec 9, 1050

    Romulus and Remus

    in 753 B.C. two brothers Romulus andRemus fought over Rome. They were twin boys raised by a she wolf. They foulght to the death and Romulus servived.
  • Dec 5, 1100

    Qin Dynasty

    Around 200 B.C. the Qin overthrew the Zhou Dynasty. The Qin ruled from 221 B.C. through 206 B.C. Shi was their first emporer and he built the Great Wall Of China
  • Dec 5, 1100

    Tang Dynasty

    Around 600 B.C. the Tang over threw the Sui dynasty. the Tang Dynasty was known for the development of art and literature. They ruled from 618 C.E. - 907 C.E.
  • Dec 5, 1100

    Sparta in army

    From 600-371 B.C. Greece had the most powerful army. The Spartans did'nt value art and education, they valued duty, stremgth, and discipline.
  • Dec 9, 1100

    Roman Republic

    After being a monarchy, Rome went into a Republic in 509 B.C. Its good this happened because of economic trouble.
  • Dec 9, 1100

    12 Tables of Law

    In 450 B.C. The 12 Tables of Law were passed. The dealt with both the Plebians and Patricians.
  • Dec 9, 1100

    Rome Falls

    In 476 B.C. The fall of Rome happened. Rome fell because of economy, weak leadership, and invasions.
  • Dec 9, 1100


    Since there were many invasions, which cost money, The people ran out of money which caused Rome to fall.
  • Monsoons

    The Indus Valley lasted from 2500 B.C.- 1500 B.C. Twice a year a monsoon would happen. A monsoon is seasonal winds. The monsoons brought so much moisture that flooding happened. The flooding was beneficial for leaving behind silt for farming.
  • Shang social class.

    During the Shang rule (1700s B.C.) the social class was determinded. It was diveded into Nobels and Peasents. Nobels however had rule over where the Shang lived.
  • Chinese religion

    In China family is close, but religion was closer. They believed that their ancestors brought good or eveil. Although the ancestors were considered as gods, Shang Di was the supreme god.
  • Writing in China

    The Chinese used symbols to write. For example, heaven looked like a person. They thought tthat if everyone learned the same language it would be easier. The chinese language has at least 10,000 characters. It was created around 1700 B.C.
  • Indus Valley Ends

    Around 1750 B.C. buildings in the Indus Valley declimed. Gradually they fell. It was said that cities shifted to do natural disasters and that destroyed the aggriculture.
  • Ming Dynasty

    Around 1300 C.E. the Ming threw over the Yuan Dynasty. The Ming ruled from 1368-1644 C.E. They were known for their exquisite arts and crafts.
  • Hammurabi and The Code of Laws

    From 1792 B.C. to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi ruled. Hammurabi created the Code of Laws. The Code of Laws were a code of 282 laws that acted for justice. The laws were portrayed as "eye for an eye."
  • China's first settlements.

    Around 2000 B.C. settlements grew into China's first cities. The dynasty that flourished during this time was the Xia Dynasty. It was also belived that people could tame a river
  • Shang Dynasty

    The Shang Dynasty started ruling at 1700 B.C. and ended at 1027 B.C. They built beautiful temples ans palaces. They were also the first family to keep written records.
  • Family in China

    Around 1700 B.C. it was said that famiky is very important. Family was center to Chinese society. Families would do arranged marriges to show how close they are.
  • The first people of Greece

    The first people of Greece were the Mycenaeans. They arried in Greece around 2000 B.C. Their name came from Mycenae located in southern Greece.
  • Mycenaenas come in contact with Minoans

    Sometime around 1500 B.C. the Mycenaeans came in contact with the Minoan civilization. It was either through trade or war. The Mycenaeans saw that trade is a valuable thing to do.
  • Trojan War

    During the 1200's a 10 year war was fought between Mycenaeans and Troy. It was fought becuase a Trojan Prince kidnapped Helen, the wife of a Greek King. The Mycenaeans used a skillful trick by using the Trojan Horse.
  • Dorians and Mycenaeans sea raid attack

    Around 1200 B.C. the Dorians attacked the Mycenaeans. It was a sea raid attack. The Dorians then went to live in war-torn countrysides.
  • Dorian Age

    From 1150-750 B.C. there was no written record. Due to this people didn't know how to how to write during the Dorian Age.
  • Homer

    Greece was, and still is known for their arts and education. Literature was very important for the Greeks. Around 750--700 B.C. Homer, a blind storyteller composed epics.
  • Period: to Dec 5, 1200


  • Period: to Dec 9, 1500


  • Period: to Dec 5, 1200
