Semester 2 Civil Rights Timeline

  • White Citizens Council

    White Citizens Council
    White Citizens Council is a organization of White supremacists who promoted segregation with violence propaganda and civil rights activism but the main reason it was founded was to oppose racial integration in public school and voting registration founded in Indianola Mississippi
  • Lynching Of Emmit Till

    Lynching Of Emmit Till
    14 year old African American boy name Emmett Till was murdered for flirting with a white woman. the m=women's husband and brother took him away while he was at his uncles house and brutally murdered him and lynched him into the river.
  • Rosa Parks Arrested

    Rosa Parks Arrested
    On December 1st 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her spot on the bus to a white male sparking the Montgomery Boycott and helping spark many more protest movements to black equality in America.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    The Montgomery boycott is a protest started by NAACP Secretary who refused to give her seat up on the bus and was sent to jail this protest lasted 381 days this was successful the court ruled that any law requiring racially segregated seating on buses violated the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops

    Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops
    Nine black children was enrolling into an all white high school called Central High School and the governor and many white people didint like it so the governor sent National guard troops in to stop them from entering the school
  • SCLC Founded

    SCLC Founded
    Southern Christian Leadership Conference was founded by the nonviolent black civil rights leaders. the purpose of this group was to gain equal civil rights but at an non violent level.
  • Greensboro sit ins

    Greensboro sit ins
    Greensboro sit ins was a civil rights protest against segregated lunch counters through the south where in 1960 Young African American SNCC workers staged a sit in at Greensboro North Carolina and they refused to leave after being denied service most protesters was arrested but they made a lastly impact forcing Woolworth's and many other places to change there segregated policies
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Riders was a group of Black and White Men and Women civil rights activists. who took a bus through the south to protest the segregated buses but along the ride they drew alot of attention.
  • MLK goes to a Birmingham jail

    MLK goes to a Birmingham jail
    In 1963 MLK was sent to jail for protesting black peopls rights While MLK was in Birmingham jail., he wrote a letter stating that black man and women can have equal right and protest and make a stand by non using violence.
  • Kennedy sends in Federal Troops

    Kennedy sends in Federal Troops
    in 1963 JFK issued a proclamation to force Alabama Governor George Wallace to follow the federal courts orders and Allow African Americans to register for University of Alabama
  • Assassination of Medgar Evers

    Assassination of Medgar Evers
    Medgar Evans was a African American civil; rights leader, Volunteer for the U.S. Army for WW2. he was assassinated by Byron De La Beckwith. a White Supremacist outside of his home in Jackson Mississippi
  • March on Washington “I have a Dream”

    March on Washington “I have a Dream”
    I have a Dream is a inspirational MLK speech saying no matter what gender,race and religion you are we all should be treated equal and be equal and have a chance to prosper in the society
  • Bombing of a church in Birmingham

    Bombing of a church in Birmingham
    Bombing of a church in Birmingham is a devastating event that took 4 young girls four young girls (14-year-old Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley and Carole Robertson and 11-year-old Denise McNair) and over 20 people injured in the blast. this bomb was one of many after the federal court ordered integration in the Alabama public school systems. former Klan members, Thomas Blanton and Bobby Frank Cherry was convicted of killing the girls.
  • Assassination of John F Kennedy

    Assassination of John F Kennedy
    On November 22 1963 John F Kennedy was assassinated in his vehicle outside of Dealey Plaza by Lee Harvey Oswald although there is no clear evidence of him being the shooter or if it was only him
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Freedom Summer was a Voter Project In Mississippi sponsored by the Congress and many civil rights organizations to help with racial equality which its purpose was to increase black voters in Mississippi
  • Killing of Goodman, Chaney, Schwerner

  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X was a Black Nationalist/Civil Rights Leader and advocated for Muslim religion Unlike MLK Malcolm X believed in violence fight fire with fire he was assassinated by a Nation of Islam leader speaking at one of his organizations rallies in New York.
  • Selma to Montgomery March

    Selma to Montgomery March
    Selma to Mongonmery was a brutal march led by MLK to protest the racist policies to register black voters
  • White mob attacks federal marshals in Montgomery

    White mob attacks federal marshals in Montgomery
    The white mob attacked a bus of mixed races at least 20 of the Freedom Riders on the bus were beaten and so this forced the federal government to send in 400 troops to Montgomery Alabama
  • SNCC Formed

    SNCC Formed
    SNCC stands for Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and was formed by Young black men and women to give more voice to the civil rights movements. In which they played a big part in freedom riders to help them get equal buses
  • Black Panthers Formed

    Black Panthers Formed
    Black Panther is a African American Political Organization founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to make a stand against police brutality and racism the ideology came from Marxist ideology and originally for self defense
  • Minneapolis Riots

    Minneapolis Riots
    There was many race riots in North Minneapolis many people think that there was racism just in the south but Minorities face alot of racism in the north its just that in the north black people felt there word would be heard more in the north and the riots around the country influenced more
  • Detroit Riots

    Detroit Riots
    Detroit riots was one of many brutal riots around the country in 1967. this riot is known as the most devastating and bloody riot lasting five days 43 dead and 342 injured, 1400 buildings burned. the riot started from low income African American families living in small homes and apartments.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    M.L.K was assassinated outside his hotel room in Memphis Tennessee by James Earl Kay
  • Assassination of Robert “Bobby” Kennedy

    Assassination of Robert “Bobby” Kennedy
    Robert F Kennedy was a former senate of the United States he was assassinated at the ambassador hotel once he won the California primary by Sirhan Sirhan