
Unit 3 Project

  • Period: to

    WWI Timespan

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria along with his other half Sophie had been killed "shot to death" by Bosnian Serb nationalist on a visit capital of Sarajevo.
  • Period: to

    begning of world war 1

    the first world war begins exactly a month after the assasination of arch duke
  • austria hungary invades russia

    austria hungary invades russia
    Not very long after the invasion of serbia that austria launched russia also fell into war with austria. The reason they fell into war was because of treatys they made this lead austria to invade russia to gain enemy territory
  • The Orginal Battle of Marne

    The Orginal Battle of Marne
    this battle of marne was a success it aloud the french to stay in the war even though the germens captured land
  • the german blockade

    the german blockade
    I febuary of 1915 the germans block all of great britan from entering or exiting the country. they did this to try and starve the coutry and cause them to forfiet the war giving germany the victory.
  • The Lusitana

    The Lusitana
    on May 17th 1915 a German shot a british liner which ended up killing many americans although this triggered america they still remained peacful and avoidied the war
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    In the battle of verdan it was the germans and the french. The Battle of Verdan was one of the longest and bloodiest battes ever. There were more than 700,000 victims.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    In the Battle of Somme the french and british faced the germans. These countrys battled for five months the battle ended on November 18 1916. This battle also ended with over one million casulties.
  • US vs Germany

    US vs Germany
    The United states declares war on germany due to a unrestricted submarine entering the U.S territory after being neutral
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

     The Battle of Vimy Ridge
    on a easter sunday candian troops launched a attack on german territory which cause a short three day victory
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

     The Battle of Vimy Ridge
    on a easter sunday candian troops launched a attack on german territory which cause a short three day victory
  • Russia signs armistice with Germany

    Russia signs armistice with Germany
    Russia signs armistice with germany in exchange for large areas of russia territory which left germans bad on both fronts.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This treaty between Russia and Germany was a good choice for both of the countrys. it makes russia gain freedom from the war and it makes germany gain money and territory for the war
  • The paris peace confrence

    The paris peace confrence
    This took place when the big four countrys had a peice confrence the big four included America,France,Britan and Italy.
  • treaty of versaille

    treaty of versaille
    the treaty of versilles was signed whengermany and allied forces signed a waver to end ww1