Selma March

  • bloody sunday

    bloody sunday
    600 marchers went from Brown Chapel AME and tried to cross the Edmund pettus Bridge, headung west out of Selma to Montgomery got as far as Edmund pettus Bridge six blocks away,where state and local law enforcement attacked them with billy clubs and tears gas drove them back to Selma
  • turnaround tuesday

    turnaround tuesday
    King lead a second march for voting rights from selmaas the marchers begin near the Edmund brigde where they run into state poilce officers but instead of starting a fight with them the marchers knell and pray and then lesve the brigde
  • Johnson meets with congress

    Johnson meets with congress
    President of the United States Lyndon Johnson meets with Congress to support voting rights bill
  • March Madness

    March Madness
    the march begins, 600 marchers began the march
  • the march is over

    the march is over
    Martin Luther King lead thousands of marchers from slema to Montgomery to demonstrate african american voters
  • Voting Rights Act Passed

    Voting Rights Act Passed
    the bill aimed to finish the state and local segration prevented by African Americans this act also prohibited refusal of voting for african americans because of race, color, or been a slave
  • signing the bill

    signing the bill
    potus Johnson signs the voting bill act is signed