Self-Portrait to Selfie

  • Jan 1, 1420


    Completition Date: 1420
    Media: Painting, Fresco
    Gallery: Italy
    This painting is significant because it shows a very early self-portrait.
  • Jan 1, 1550


    Artist: Lucas Cranach the Elder
    Completion Date: 1550
    Place of Creation: Germany
    Style: Northern Renaissance
    Genre: self-portrait This self-portrait is significant because in comparsion to the previous portrait is shows the development of the 'selfie'.
    Technique: oil
    Material: wood
    Dimensions: 64 x 49 cm
    Gallery: Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
  • Portrait of the Artist with his Wife Isabella de Wolff in a Tavern

    Portrait of the Artist with his Wife Isabella de Wolff in a Tavern
    Artist: Gabriel Metsu
    Completion Date: 1661
    Style: Baroque
    Genre: self-portrait
    Technique: oil This self-portrait is significant because it shows a self-portrait with more than one person which shows artists are further developing the self-portrait
    Material: panel
    Dimensions: 36 x 31 cm
    Gallery: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden, Germany
  • Self-Portrait

    Artist: William Hogarth
    Completion Date: 1745
    Style: Rococo
    Genre: self-portrait
    Technique: oil This self-portrait is significant because it shows the artist experimenting the self-portrait style; with a dog
    Material: canvas
    Dimensions: 90 x 70 cm
    Gallery: Tate Gallery, London, UK
  • Self-Portrait

    Artist: Taras Shevchenko
    Completion Date: 1841
    Style: Romanticism
    Genre: self-portrait This self-portrait is significant because it shows the artist testing out new extreme colours; the ghostly white. Also the artist is using a circular fram which makes the viewer focus on the facial expressions of the artist.
  • Self-Portrait

    Artist: Vasily Tropinin
    Completion Date: 1844
    Style: Romanticism
    Genre: self-portrait
    Technique: oil
    This self-portrait s different to others because the artist is experimenting and in this self-portrait he also paints an extensively backdrop.
    Material: canvas
    Gallery: Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Self-Portrait

    Artist: Henri Rousseau
    Completion Date: 1890
    Style: Naïve Art (Primitivism)
    Genre: self-portrait
    Technique: oil This self-portrait is significant because similarly to the previous image, the artist has included a very detailed backdrop which makes the self-portrait look more like a regular painting than a self-portrait
    Material: canvas
    Dimensions: 113 x 146 cm
    Gallery: Národni Galerie, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Self-Portrait

    Artist: Felix Vallotton
    Completion Date: 1914
    Style: Magic Realism
    Genre: self-portrait
    Technique: oil
    Material: canvas
    This self-portrait is significant because it depicts the artist in their natural behaviour. you can tell this because the artist is not looking at you but at something else. Something else that is significant about this image is how his coat is very simple whilst his facial features are not.
    Dimensions: 81 x 65 cm
    Gallery: Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Self-Portrait

    Artist: Stanley Spencer
    Completion Date: 1951
    Style: Neo-Romanticism
    Genre: self-portrait
    This self-portrait is significant because it shows the artist trying a new style of self-portrait; using Neo-Romanatisicism.
  • Self-Portrait

    Artist: Francesco Clemente
    Completion Date: 2005
    Style: Transavantgarde
    Genre: self-portrait
    This self-portrait is very significant because the style that the artist is using is very unusual, it compares humans to pigs which is very weird.