
Seis sigma

By Papugod
  • Six Sigma Foundation

    -Event: Motorola introduces the concept of Six Sigma
    -Significance: Bill Smith, a Motorola engineer, develops the Six Sigma methodology to reduce defects and improve quality. Motorola won the first Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1988 for its Six Sigma efforts.
  • Popularization of Six Sigma

    -Event: General Electric adopts Six Sigma.
    -Significance: Under the leadership of Jack Welch, General Electric (GE) implements Six Sigma company-wide, leading to significant efficiency improvements and cost reductions. This catapulted Six Sigma's popularity worldwide.
  • First Black Belts

    -Event: Motorola certifies its first Black Belts.
    -Importance: Black Belts are experts in the Six Sigma methodology who lead improvement projects within organizations. This systematic approach and rigorous training contribute to the standardization and effectiveness of Six Sigma.
  • Lean Manufacturing Goes Global

    -Event: Publication of the book "Lean Thinking" by James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones.
    -Importance: This book helps to spread the principles of lean manufacturing globally, highlighting its effectiveness in eliminating waste and continuous improvement.
  • Fusion of Six Sigma and Lean

    -Event: Emergence of Lean Six Sigma.
    -Importance: The integration of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma results in Lean Six Sigma, a methodology that combines the best of both approaches: eliminating waste and reducing variability in processes.
  • Academic dissemination of Lean Six Sigma

    -Event: First academic publications on Lean Six Sigma.
    -Significance: The validation and academic study of Lean Six Sigma consolidates its position as a robust strategy for process improvement across diverse industries.
  • ISO 13053

    -Event: Publication of the ISO 13053 standard.
    -Significance: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) publishes ISO 13053, which standardizes Six Sigma methods and tools. This standard helps organizations implement Six Sigma consistently and effectively.