Segregation of Students in Public Schools

  • Dred Scott Decision

  • Fourteenth Amendment Ratified

  • Slaughterhouse Cases

  • Civil Rights Cases

  • Jim Crow Laws

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

  • Cumming v. Board of Education of Richmond County, State of Georgia

  • Berea College v. Commonwealth of Kentucky

  • National Association For the Advancement of Colored People

  • Gong Lum v. Rice

  • The NAACP’s Start of Challenging Segregation in Graduate and Secondary Schools

  • State of Missouri ex. Rel Gaines v. Canada

  • The Northside Center For Child Development

  • Sipuel v. Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma

  • The NAACP Board of Directors Formal Endorsement on Thurgood Marshall’s View on Segregation Strategy

  • Briggs v. Elliott

  • McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents

  • Sweat v. Painter

  • Bolling v. Sharpe Set in Motion

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

  • Autherine Lucy and the Mob of 2,000 Whites

  • Little Rock Central Nine Integration

  • Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom Washington D.C.

  • Autherine Lucy and the Mob of 2,000 Whites

  • Georgia Integration

  • Ole Miss Integration

  • New York School Boycott

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Green v. New Kent County

  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg

  • Keys v. Denver School District No. 1

  • Oklahoma City v. Dowell

  • Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1