Segregation and Civil Rights

  • 1946 Governor's Race

    The 1946 election started off with Eugene Talmadge's death. Then, Talmdge's followers found out that, in the case of a elect's death, the legislature chooses out of second and third place. Then Herman Talmadge, the son of Eugene Talmadge, ran for office and won the legislation's vote. The former Governor Ellis Arnall disagreed with the legislation's decision and refused to give up office. In the end, the lieutenant governor got the position as governor from a 5 to 2 vote from justices.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    In Topeca, Kansas, the parents of twenty children who went to segregated schools in Topeca argued against the Topeca Board of Education about segregation laws.
  • 1956 State Flag

    1956 State Flag
    In 1956, a group of Democratic legislators changed Georgia's state flag to have the old confederate state flag occupy two thirds of Georgia's new flag. The legislators did this in an effort to show that Georgia will stand up and fight against the civil rights movement. Some Georgians felt that this flag was offensive and was not the right symbol to represent Georgia. The flag was not changed until 2001 despite the citizens' discomfort.
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    The SNCC was founded in 1960 to help end racism. This group participated in many protests such as the March on Washington and even organized some of their own. The SNCC continued to help stop racism even after African Americans gained rights. The SNCC helped blacks register to vote and set up voting booths.
  • Sibley Commision

    Sibley Commision
    Governor Ernest Vandiver Jr. was a big part of the Sibley commision. He was forced to decide to close public schools or desegregate them. In the end, the schools were desegregated. The reason it was called the Sibley commision is because Ernest Vandiver could not make the decision so he chose John Sibley, a respected businessman, to head the comission.
  • Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes

    Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes
    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter were the first two African American students enrolled in UGA. Previous to this, Hamilton Holmes was the first African American enrolled in Emory. Also after Charlayne finished her education, she joined the New York Times as a reporter for urban areas.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    The Albany movement was a coalition to stop segregation that started in Albany Georgia. The SNCC had a big part in organizing the protests for the movement. Activists and other people against segregation participated in sit ins and petitions to help end racism. Even though much effort was put into this event, there was no results from it on either side. Also during this time, Martin Luther King as well as many other African Americans were rounded up and arrested in Albany.
  • Albany Movement Interaction

  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington was an event where thousands of Americans marched for civil rights for African Americans.
    Martin Luther King Jr. led thousands of Americans in the race to end racism. He delivered his famous " I Have a Dream" speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial that day. Benjamin Mays, one of King's mentors, concluded the march by giving a speech also.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 created equality among race, gender, skin color,national origin, etc. It gave every citizen equal voting rights and also guranteed many more rights that some people did not have before.
  • 1964 Democratic National Convention

    1964 Democratic National Convention
    Herman Talmadge, along with other southern senators, boycotted the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Talmadge was a member of the Democratic party and was born in the south which caused him to dislike the civil rights movement.
  • SNCC Interaction

  • Lester Maddox 75th Governor of Georgia

    Lester Maddox 75th Governor of Georgia
    Lester Maddox opposed the civil rihts movement. He was a member of the Democrat party while Georgia was dominated by democrats. This led him to his success in being Georgia's 75th governor. During his term, he watched African American's gain roles in the government ( not supporting it) and aside from that helped schools in Georgia by increasing salaries of teachers and many other things.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education Interaction

  • Benjamin Mays Interaction

  • Maynard Jackson

    Maynard Jackson
    Maynard Jackson was the first African American mayor of Atlanta. During his time in office, racial tensions in the Atlanta area increased and there were many African Americans murdered. Because of this, Jackson fired the police chief who happened to be white, this increased the racial tensions even more.
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    Andrew Young is Mayor

    Andrew young was an African American man who became the mayor of Atlanta in 1982. With not as much racial tension in Atlanta, Young was able to help grow Maynard Jackson's programs for female or minority owned businesses, give many scholarships to Atlanta graduates, and renovate the Atlanta Zoo.