Segregation and Civil Rights

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    Three Governers Controversy

    Herman Talmadge, Ellis Arnall, and Melvin Thompson were all candidates for the Governer's Seat of Georgia. They all had arguments on why they should be the governer.
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    Herman Talmadge gets sworn into office as Governer of Georgia. He was re-elected in 1948-1954. He was part of the Three Governer's Controversy.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education Decision

    Brown vs. Board of Education Decision
    Brown vs. Board of Education decided that state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional. This decision overturned the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision.
  • 1956 State Flag

    1956 State Flag
    The 1956 State Flag was adopted and was kept till 2001. It had the Confederate Battle Flag design as the field of the flag.
  • Sibley Commission

    The Sibley Comission was created by the Georgia General Assembly to get people's opinions on desegregating schools. Governer Ernest Vandiver put John Sibley in charge for the commission.
  • SNCC Formed

    SNCC Formed
    SNCC, also known as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee, was a comittee made by Black students who were leaders in a protest.
    They also worked in Albany and did the Albany Movement which was meant for desegregation but ended up jailing over 1,000 African-Americans.
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA
    Both Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter were admitted in UGA (University of Georgia). They were chosen by the NAACP to act agains segregation.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Matin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech. King was an activist, pastor, humanitarian, and a leader in the African American Civil Rights Movement. He was mentored by Benjamin Mays, who was Morehouse University's president.
  • March On Wahington

    March On Wahington
    The March on Washington was a march for civil and labor rights. This was also when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech. This march was meant for freedom for African Americans.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act was passed. It stated that all people have the same rights as everyone else under the constitution.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    Lester Maddox took office as Gover of Georgia. He was a segregationalist, but he fought hard for States' Rights.
  • Maynard Jackson

    Maynard Jackson
    Maynard Jackson takes office as mayor of Atlanta. He served wice and then got elected another time and helped bring the Olympics to Atlanta. He also rose the portion of city business going to minority firms by a big amount. They named Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport partly in his name.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Andrew Young became the Mayor of Atlanta, being the second African American Mayor in a row. He had been on the US House of Representatives representing Georgia. President Jimmy Carter mad him the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. He was also cochair of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.