
  • Security Lesson 1

    Security Lesson 1
    Today I worked on a Packet Tracer lab in which I set up several different types of server services. I was able to fully complete the lab with minimal errors, later fixing the few I made. I now have a basic idea of how most of these services work and what their purposes are, although there are certain aspects about them that still elude me. I could potentially do some additional research later in order to understand some of the more advanced details about these services.
  • Lab 5 (Thought it was 3)

    Lab 5 (Thought it was 3)
  • Lab 6 (Thought it was 4)

    Lab 6 (Thought it was 4)
  • Security Lesson 2 (Lab 2)

    Security Lesson 2 (Lab 2)
    Today I worked on more Packet Tracer labs, which mainly involved creating various types of connections between devices (of varying security levels). I managed to get all of them done relatively quickly, although I'm still unsure about the purpose of the some of the actions I performed, as well as some of the terminology. I should do more research so that I can fully understand the uses and purposes of the features I made use of.
  • Security Lesson 3 (Lab 3)

    Security Lesson 3 (Lab 3)
    Today I continued working on Packet Tracer labs, which involved setting up VPN connections and file hashing. There was a bit of confusion when it turned out that some of the labs from last week were numbered incorrectly, meaning I've done these labs somewhat out of order. If it wasn't for this slight conundrum, I probably could've completed at least one extra lab. Despite this, I still believe that I've made good progress today.
  • Lab 4

    Lab 4
  • Lab 7

    Lab 7