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missouri compromise
As the U.S would expand more and gain more territory it would have to come to a decision with Main and Missouri how they would be added. This would potentially destroy the balance of free and state slaves, but the government would balance it by Missouri as slave state and Maine as a free state. In addition adding the louisiana territory there would be some concern for the same reason that it would be determine by popularity sovereignty if it would be added as a slave or free state. -
Now that the missouri compromise had been settle with the dispute between the Missouri, maine, and the louisiana. There would be new concerns with california entering as a free state since that would interfere with the missouri compromise and the balance in free and states. In addition the rest of mexico section will be determine by popular sovereignty. -
fugitive slave act
As a result from the compromise 1850, this act would be a way to send back any fugitive slave to the south if they would spot. Not only that but if the fugitive would resist they couldn't take the problem to congress to fight for their rights. For the same reason that they had no voice in congress. -
uncle toms cabin
Written by harriet beecher stowe it would be a persuasive book or way to support for the abolitionist movement to support to stop slavery. Exposing the negatively of slavery and it's harshness behind it and informing to those who don't know anything about slavery. -
Kansas-Nebraska act
As the idea of creating a continental railroad connecting the rest of the U.S would be held as an issue by the north and the south concerning them whether the railroad should be built in the south or north. For the north it would fear that the rest of the louisiana territory would be set as a free states but then slavery would spread as for the south would want the repeal the missouri compromise, but the solution would be to divide kansas into 2 to keep the balance of power. -
dread scott decision
This makes a great impact since now the supreme court states that even if a slave owner has taken a slave to a free state that the slave is not granted its freedom. For a slave owner can bring it's property anywhere as it pleases. This now makes clear and a concern to northern's knowing that slavery can exist anywhere even if slavery is banned. -
This debate between lincoln and douglas would bring some national attention concerning over the issue of slavery. As for lincoln he was republican, he thought slavery was morally wrong and oppose of the expansion of slavery into new territories, but for douglas he supported the idea of popular sovereignty. -
John brown
Was a great influence in the abolitionist movement. Leading the southern rebellion and putting slavery on trial. Most important his plan to capture federal prison with some of his sons would impact in making a movement against slavery. -
presidential election
With the elections of 1860 Abraham lincoln get's most of his electoral and popular votes in the north. In the other hand Breckinridge gets most of his popular and electoral votes in the south. Making it a barrier for both candidates for who supports them. -
south ceceds from the U.S
After the election of abraham lincoln the south fear Lincoln would band slavery permanently. Would then secede from the U.S forming the confederacy.