section 6

  • Period: to

    New Imperialism

    Countries in Europe expanded into Africa and Asia to create an opportunity for more resources
  • Triple Alliance

    Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy vowed to support the existing social order but Italy dropped out in 1914
  • Berlin Conference

    Africa’s land was split up to that European Countries get it
  • Bloody Sunday

    Unarmed peaceful protestors were killed by tsar Nicholas II
  • Triple Entente

    Allies of United Kingdom, France, and Russia had each other’s backs during World War I
  • Trench Warfare

    Started in WWI-Used as an advantage on the ground, was the most successful tactic
  • Schlieffen Plan

    The Germans failed to prevent the two front war
  • Bolsheviks

    Majority group that took over Soviet Union after October Revolutions
  • Petrograd Soviet

    Rival to the provisional government and made the issued order #1
  • February Revolution

    Uprisings in Russia that led to the tsar to not be the tsar anymore
  • Fourteen Points

    Woodrow Wilson’s peace proposal that also called for the establishment of the League of Nations
  • Treaty of Versailles

    A negotiation to end World War I