section 1 chapter 2 timeline

By nile36
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War, also known as the seven year war, was a conflict between the French and British. They fought in Europe and Americas to gain posession over the colonies. The British eventually won but it cost them a great deal of money and their government was severly weakened. This caused Great Britian to increase their taxes and enrage the colonist.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was passed by Parliment on March 22nd, which forced all colonist to pay taxes for evey piece of printed paper including newspapers, stamps, and even playing cards. THe money gained from this Act would help pay the soldiers guarding the Appalachion Mountains and help the British get out of their collosal debt.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshed Act was passed by English Parliment shortly after the Stamp Act. The Act were designed to collect money from the colonists in America by putting taxes on imports of glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. The Boston merchants boycotted this act and in 1770 most of the Act was repealed.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by British regulars on March 5, 1770. It was the effect of growing tensions in the American colonies that had been building up since Royal troops first appeared in Massachusetts to enforce the heavy tax burden imposed by the Townshend Acts.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act was the final spark that launched the colonist against the British in an all out war effort. Although the Tea Act didn't directly make colonist pay taxes, it did make the colonist buy the tea at a profible price. And this is why the Colonist finally rebeled against the oppressive British Government.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was an act of American rebellion against the British govenrment for puting a tax on tea. The Colonist dumped over 10,00 pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor as a way to show their anger towards the tax.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts were the British reaction to the Colonial uprising and rebellion. One of the laws closed down the Boston Harbor. Another law restricted the activites of the Massachusetts legislature which ultimitly gave the British Government all the power. The colonist responce to this act was discused in a meeting called the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress.
  • 1st and 2nd Continental Congress

    1st and 2nd Continental Congress
    This meeting was held in responce to the unjust Intolerable Acts imposed upon the people of America by the British Government. Representatives came from all colonies to discuss the colonial responce to the intolerable acts. Another meeting was held to discuss the war efforts of America.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    These two battles were the first two major battles that started the American Revolutionary War. The British planned to invade these two cites but their plans were halted by Paul Ravere and his famous lines. "THe British are coming". Paul was warrned by spies inside the British army and took the initiative to warn everybody else.
  • Publishing of Common Sense

    Publishing of Common Sense
    Common Sense by Thomas Paine was the first book to directly ask for independence against Britian. It also challenged the royal monarchy and the authority of the British Government as well.