The economic crisis of 1929
Nazi expansionism
Germany leaves the Society of Nations
Annex of the Saarland and rearmament of German society
Peripheral wars
Italy leaves the Society of Nations
Germany occupies Rhineland
Rome-Berlin axis
Antikomintern pact
Conference in Berlin
was convened by France and the United Kingdom and organized by the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, in order to solve the problems involved in the colonial expansion in Africa and resolve its distribution. -
Non-aggression pact with URSS
German invaders Poland
Allies declare the war
Germany attacks Denmark and Norway
France and Lowlands invaded by Germany
Battle of England
Beard-red operation
to the plan of invasion of the Soviet Union by the Forces of the Axis during the Second World War. -
Pearl harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States (a neutral country at the time) against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. The attack led to the United States' formal entry into World War II the next day. The Japanese military leadership referred to the attack as the Hawaii Operation and Operation AI and as Operation Z during its planning -
Braking of the invasion in Egypt and the suez canal
Japaneses make an offensive un southest Asia
Retirement of German division in the Russian Front
Allied troops landed in Sicily and southern Italy
Disembarkation in normandy
Kamikazes enter into action
German troops defeated in the Ardenns
Soviet troops arrive in Berlín
Mussolini is captured and executed
Hitler commits suicide
The surrender of the third reich la signed
They release the atomic bomb at Hiroshima
They release the atomic bomb of nagasaki
Japaneses surrender
Paris conference
The representatives of the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and France participated. His goal was to draw the political map of Europe after World War II.