Second World War

By Jazcat
  • Period: to

    Stalin's policy of territorial expansion

    Aimed at defending the USSR from future German attacks
  • Second World War starts

    Germany invades Poland
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

  • The Soviet Union invades Poland

    (Agreed secretly in the Nazi-Soviet pact)
  • Germany invades the USSR (Grand Alliance formed)

    USSR becomes allies with Britain against Nazi Germany
  • Japan's attack to US naval base Pearl Harbor

    US declared war on Japan (Axis power)
  • Germany and Italy declare war on the USS

  • POST WAR AIMS: Stalin dissolved the Comintern

    Gesture to show Britain and the US the USSR to continue close cooperation after the war. His main aim was to ensure that regimens friendly to the USSR were established
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    Liberation of Europe

    Provided context for Cold War
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    Plans for chain of bases which would give the USA control of the Pacific and Atlantic ocean and access to raw materials and markets of western Europe and Asia (initiated the "Spiral of distrust" which resulted in the Cold War)
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    Inter-Allied negotiations

    Leaders of USSR, US and Britain meet for the first time as a group
  • Allies invade Italy

  • Italy surrenders

  • Foreign minister's meeting at Moscow (US, USSR & Britain)

    Established European Advisory Commission (plans for post-war allied occupation of Germany)
    Declaration on General Security (Cordell Hull insisted on China signing and Stalin informed him that the USSR would enter war with Japan after Germany's defeat in Europe)
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    Tehran Conference

    Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin discussed future organization of UN and Germany's fate
  • Churchill-Stalin meeting

    Divided territory according to each country's interest yet it was later dropped by Churchill as he realized Roosevelt would reject it right away
  • Soviets advance into Poland

    Stalin wanted to establish a pro-soviet government in Poland
    Destroyed the Polish Home Army
    Established the Committee of National Liberation (to administer Soviet-occupied Poland)
  • Yalta Conference

    Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill (Churchill insisted in France to be included in the "Four Power Control"
  • Soviet troops gain control over Berlín

  • Hitler commits suicide in Berlin

  • Germany surrenders

  • Atomic bomb of US to Hiroshima

  • Atomic bomb of US to Nagasaki

  • Second World War ends

  • Japan surrenders