Segunda guerra

Second War World

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany through a lightning annexation war invades Poland. Consequently England and France (allies) declare war on Germany.
  • 1940 Germany takes different territories from Europe

    1940 Germany takes different territories from Europe
    During the year of 1940 Germany invades: Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, takes Paris and bombs England. Italy invades Greece.
  • 1941 The invasion by Germany and Italy to different European countries continues

    1941 The invasion by Germany and Italy to different European countries continues
    Germany lands troops in Libya to invade Egypt, it also invades Yuguslavia, Greece and the Soviet Union.
    On December 7, 1941 Japan bombs the Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) of the USA.
    On December 8, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan.
  • 1942 The Allies begin to counteract the attack of Germany and the countries of the axis

    1942 The Allies begin to counteract the attack of Germany and the countries of the axis
    The United States defeats Japan in the battle of Midway.
    On July 27, 1942 England stops the German advance in Africa in the first battle of El Alameín.
    On August 23, 1942 the battle of Stalingrad between Germany and the Soviet Union begins.
    On November 3, 1942 England defeats Germany in the second battle of El Alameín.
  • 1943 Battle of Stalingrad and defeat of Italy

    1943 Battle of Stalingrad and defeat of Italy
    The Soviet Union defeats Germany in the battle of Stalingrad.
    On September 3, 1943 the Allies invade Italy and it surrenders.
  • 1944 Liberation of Nazi territories by the Allies.

    1944 Liberation of Nazi territories by the Allies.
    The allies begin the Normandy landings.
    On August 10, 1944, the United States defeats Japan in the battle of Guam.
    On August 25, the Allies defeat Germany in the battle of Normandy.
    On October 20, Yuguslavs and Soviets release Belgrade.
    December 29 Hungarians and Soviets liberate Budapest.
  • 1945 defeat of Hitler and Nazism.

    1945 defeat of Hitler and Nazism.
    The allies defeat Germany in the battle of the Ardennes.
    March 26 The United States defeats Japan in the battle of Iwo Jima.
    April 25 troops of the Soviet Union take Berlin.
    April 30 Adolph Hitler commits suicide in Berlin.
    May 9 Germany surrenders to the Allies.
    June 21 USA defeats Japan in the battle of Okinawa
    August 6 and 9 The US launches two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    September 2 Japan surrenders to the US
  • Documentaries about World War II

    Documentaries about World War II
    In the following links you can see two very interesting documentaries about this historical event that marked the history of mankind.
    The first is a History chanel documentary called: World War II from space: The second is about the two atomic bombs dropped by the US to Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
  • Newspaper article about the newspaper

    Newspaper article about the newspaper
    On April 3, 1946, an article was published on the first page of the Het Parool newspaper in Amsterdam. The column has the title "Child Voice" and is from the well-known historian Jan Romein, who writes enthusiastically about Anne Frank's diary, not to mention her name.
  • Execution of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss

    Execution of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss
    Rudolf Höss is hanged on April 16, 1947 in the inner courtyard, next to the former Auschwitz crematorium. Höss was the commander of the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. There he was responsible for the death of almost one million Jews and other prisoners of the camp.
  • The United Nations adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The United Nations adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Signatories recognize the existence of human rights that are inherent in all people.
  • Placement of the statue of Anne Frank in Utrecht

    Placement of the statue of Anne Frank in Utrecht
    On April 30, 1959, young people from the city of Utrecht offer the city council a statue of Anne Frank. This is done as a way to thank the support of the city council for different youth associations in the city.
  • Inauguration of the International Youth Center of the Anne Frank House

    Inauguration of the International Youth Center of the Anne Frank House
    One year after the opening to the public of the House behind, the International Youth Center is also opened. This is located in the building next door, on Prinsengracht 265.
  • Otto Frank during a youth conference at the Anne Frank House

    Otto Frank during a youth conference at the Anne Frank House
    Since 1963, every summer, young people from all over the world come to the Anne Frank House to attend international summer conferences on emancipation, religion and human rights. The International Youth Center is enthusiastically directed by the pedagogue and psychologist Henri van Praag, an acquaintance of Otto Frank. In the sixties of; Last century different seminars and courses are taught.
  • Otto dies

    Otto dies
    On August 19, 1980, Otto Frank died in Basel at the age of 91. His death gains international notoriety. His widow Fritzi Frank-Markowitz receives hundreds of letters with condolences. Dutch rabbi Avraham Soetendorp directs the funeral service.