Second Temple and Tannaitic Era

By egd93
  • Period: 37 BCE to 44

    Herodian Dynasty

  • Period: 10 to 80

    Life of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakai

  • Period: 10 to 220

    Tannaitic Era

  • Period: 47 to 117

    Life of R' Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, etc.

  • Period: 50 to 135

    Life of Rabbi Akiva; Elisha ben Abuya

  • 66

    Great Jewish Revolt (66-73CE)

  • 70

    Destruction of Second Temple

  • 115

    Kitos War (Diaspora War) against Rome (115-117CE)

  • 132

    Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-136CE)

  • Period: 135 to 217

    Life of Rebbe (Rabbi Yehuda haNasi); Rabbi Yose ben Yehuda