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    Monarchy to republic

    King Alfonso XII tried to restore normal constitution after the Primo de Rivera’s resignation.
    The monarchy damaged by the dictatorship.
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    The Pact of San Sebastian

    Republicans and socialist meet in San Sebastian to established a democratic republican regime. The revolutionary Comitte was created to co-ordinate the opposition.
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    Municipal elections

    The constitutional government call the first free elections since Primo de Rivera’s coup in 1921.
    Was an Municipal elections, camuflated in posterior referenfum on the monarchy.
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    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    The Republic is proclaimed in the same day that the Revolutionary Comitte becomes the The Republican Government
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    1931 Constitution

    The constituent Assembly elections were held to choose the drafters of the new Republican Constitution.
    The PSOE and the Partido Republicano Radical ( PRR ) forms the new provisional government. Progressive Constitution.
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    Reformist Biennium

    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the Republic and Manuela Azaña president of the government.
    In the period to 1931 and 1932 that was inside of the Reformist Biennium ,the following events occur:
    - 1932: General Sanjuro’s coup to stop the reform failed.
    -1933 : The revolt was repressed by Azaña’s government.
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    The Black biennium

    Held Elections in November 1933. the women could vote for the first time . The left parties were divided more than ever.
    The PRR won the elections, Alejandro Lerroux was in charge of forming government.
    in October 1934 was organized strikes by nationalist, anarchists and communist. Were mainly involves in Asturias and Cataluña.
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    The Popular Front

    New elections called for February 1936.
    The left parties join to form The Popular Front coalition.
    They defended the right to amnesty for the held od the political prisioners because of the Revolution in 1934.
    The radical right party grew. Represented by the Bloque Nscional directed by Calvo Sotelo and the Falange Española founded by Primo de Rivera ( Son of the General Primo de Rivera.
    The Popular Front won the elections with the 60 % of the votes.
    Spanish Army officers expand the government.
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    The start of the Civil War

    The parliament was tensed, the violence in the street to the adverse groups was more worrying.
    One member of the government called Lieutenant Castillo was murdered by rightwing gunmen. In revenge, some of the Castillo’s colleagues killed Calvo Sotelo the following day.
    General Emilio Mola in charge of organising the rebellion under the leadership of Jose Sanjuro.
    17 of July rebel soldiers in the Spanish protectorate of Morocco seize the control. The Civil War started.