• Spanish situation

    Spanish situation
    Spain was in difficult time and the Spanish society was divided andvery poor. The Republic was seen as an opportunity to modernize Spain.
  • From a monarchy to a republic

    From a monarchy to a republic
    After Primo de Rivera´s resignation in 1929, Alfonso XIII tried to restore the normal constitutional monarchy, but his image was damage because his link with Primo de Rivera.
  • The Pact of San Sebastian

    The Pact of San Sebastian
    The Republicans and Socialists meet to quit the monarchy and establish a democratic republican regime. The Revolutionary committee was created to control the opposition. The claim for a general strike and FAILED. The revolutionary Committee was arrested.
  • Period: to

    Reformist biennium

    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the Republic and Manuel Azaña of the government. Azaña created created muany reforms:
    The Statute of Autonomy for Cataluña.
    The subordination of the army.
    They expelled the Jesuits.
    The Agrarian reform - The law alllowed the state to take the land if it is not used.
    In 1932, a coup of General Sanjurjo failed.
    In 1933, anarchists occupied Casas Viejas (Cádiz), Azaña´s government repressed them.
  • Municipal elections

    Municipal elections
    First free elections since Primo de Rivera, actually was a referendum on the monarchy. The monarchists win, but the republicans had the power in important cities so the monarch leaves the country.
  • The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic

    The proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic
    The republic is proclaimed. On the same day the Revolutionary Committee becomes the Provisional Republican Government.
  • 1931 Constitution

    1931 Constitution
    In 1931 PSOE and PRR (Provisional Government) wrote the Constitution. It as a progressive, democratic and left-wing constitution.
  • Constitution characteristics

    Popular sovereignty: women had the right to vote
    The division of power.
    Declaration of civil rights: Divorce and civil weddings were legalized.
    Declaration of collective rights: The right of education made primary education free and obligatory.
    Secularism: There was not an official religion. Catholic religion was not allowed to teach.
    Regionalism: The right for the regions to establish Statutes of Autonomy.
    Social economy: Article 1`Democratic republic of all workers of every class´
  • Political evolution

    The left and right wing organised to make a liberal, democratic and secular state. They didn´t stop and solve the problems.
  • Period: to

    The black biennium

    Election in November 1933 and was the first time women could vote. The CEDA was created by right-wing Catholic parties. CEDA and PRR won the elections. A general strike was convoked against CEDA accusing them of fascists. This revolution grew to a revolution
  • Revolution of October 1934

    Revolution of October 1934
    The strike was composed by nationalist, anarchist and communist associations.
    Cataluña: declare itself independent. The president of the Generalitat was arrested.
    Asturias: the miners staged an armed revolt. It was put down by the army.
    Corruption scandal in the government which forced Lerroux to resign
  • The Popular Front

    The Popular Front
    Newelections in February 1936.
    The left-wing parties joined to form the Popular Front. Wanted the amnestey and pushed the social reforms of 1931. The right-wing parties grew, represented by the Bloque Nacional, led by José Calvo Sotelo and the Falange Española founded by José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
  • Elections of 1936

    Elections of 1936
    The Popular front won the elections with majority but the proportion of left-wing and right-wing was almost the same. Zamora was the new Republic president and Casares Quiroga of the government. Largo Caballero prevented socialists from being part of the cabinet. Spanish Army began a strategy against the government. Casares Quiroga passed away the warnings and then transferred Emilio Mola and Francisco Franco.
  • The start of the civil war

    The start of the civil war
    The atmosphere was very tense and violence in the streets started. Assasinations and firing the churches was common. On 12th July Lieutenant Castillo was murdered by a right-wing gunmen. The following day Calvo Sotelo was napped and assasinated. This made the militaries to start a coup leaded by the General Emilio Mola under the leadership of Jorge Sanjurjo. It was supported by Carlists and Fascist Falange.
  • Assassination of José Castillo and Calvo Sotelo

    Assassination of José Castillo and Calvo Sotelo
    On 12th July Lieutenant Castillo was murdered by a right-wing gunmen. The following day Calvo Sotelo was napped and assasinated.
  • Rise up in Africa

    Rise up in Africa
    The 17 July Spanish soldiers in the protectorate of Morocco seize control in Ceuta, Melilla and Tetuán. In a few days the civil war started.